What is a Mini App

Goodbox App
Published in
5 min readSep 28, 2016

To understand what a Mini App is, it’s important to establish why we created such a thing and the issue(s) with apps. We’ll discuss the concept of a Mini App, a Mega App and why that’s the future.

Creating an app is painful

  • Expensive: Apps are expensive to make and manage. The cost is not just in creating an Android and iOS app but also in making changes to the app regularly. If you’re creating a commerce app, you need to create a booking engine, a process flow and integrate with a payment gateway. Payment gateways have to be optimised. In short, it’s not a do-it-and-it-will-keep-running project. It’s more a let’s-make-changes-everyday kind of project. All this makes it a very costly affair to make and manage.
  • Tech knowledge: It’s difficult to manage the app creation and management process without a tech team. If it’s outsourced, it’s even more difficult to manage a team without tech knowledge. Usually the cost of outsourcing is 1.5x more than having a team in-house. Recruiting and managing a tech team in-house has its own pain points.
  • High marketing costs: Consumers don’t like to download multiple apps for multiple use cases. Due to space constraints and a barrage of notifications, they prefer keeping only those apps that they will use throughout the year. This makes it difficult to get consumers to download and not uninstall your app within a few days. Online startups burn a lot of money trying to get consumers to download apps — hence spoiling the customers with discounts to download an app.
Mini Apps vs Apps

*Mall concept: Every shop in the mall gains from a customer visiting the mall. Similarly, every Mini App in the Goodbox app gains from a customer downloading the app. If you’re a merchant, you gain from other merchants inviting their customers to the app and vice versa.

Mini Apps — a solution

Mini Apps are like an app, without all the headache associated with getting your own app. It’s an app within a mega app — like the Goodbox mega app in India. So a consumer just has to download the mega app and gets access to 1000s of Mini Apps through the mega app.

Consumers prefer to download one app from which they can buy from and interact with multiple businesses. These apps are rarely deleted because they have 1000s of businesses on one platform. They can search for the name of a business, find their Mini App and just click on + to add that business’ Mini App to their home screen. Adding a Mini App to your home screen takes less than 10 mili seconds!

Goodbox mega app: Left screen — Home screen showing Mini Apps of multiple businesses added to the home screen ; Right screen — Explore screen to discover Mini Apps of businesses

Mini Apps have all the functionality that you would want in your own app, but with many added advantages like having a messaging (chat) screen, a menu / prices screen, a built-in payment gateway and a management console to manage orders and customers. It also has built-in customer invite and marketing features that are unparalleled.

Mini Apps: Left screen — The messaging screen of a supermarket; Right screen — The menu of a restaurant within the Mini App.

Consumers prefer using a mega app like Goodbox because there are 1000s of Mini Apps within it that have a standard UI and process flow. They don’t need to download multiple apps for multiple things now.

Helping Businesses

To solve the issue for a business that wants to create an app, you can now use a do-it-yourself (DIY) app like the Goodbox Partner App to create your own commerce-ready Mini App. This Mini App comes with:

  • A messaging screen for interactions between you and your customers
  • A menu / pricing screen
  • A payment gateway
  • An exhaustive management console
  • No commissions — just a yearly fee
  • Partnerships that enable logistics for businesses
  • Ability to give reward points to your customers
  • And all this at 1/1000th the cost & time to make your own app (it takes about 5 minutes to create a Mini App!)

Mini Apps come at 1/1000th the cost and takes about 5 minutes to create!

Gone are the days where businesses need to create their own app. It’s time to adopt the smarter and faster ways to get app enabled without all the headache.

Goodbox believes in enabling millions of businesses. The ideology is to democratise technology that a business requires to become independent and take control of their online destiny. Unlike aggregators, Goodbox doesn’t bleed a business through a commission-based model.

Why consumers love Mini Apps

Imagine being able to book and pay for your local transportation in the morning using the bus / cab transport company’s Mini App, ordering breakfast through your favourite restaurant’s Mini App, messaging your laundry person to pick up the laundry from the bag outside home and scheduling a drop at 7 pm, pre-ordering food in your office canteen during lunch using the canteen’s Mini App, pre-ordering groceries from your neighbourhood store, to keep the bag ready to be picked up on the way back from office using the supermarket’s Mini App — all this without leaving the Goodbox Mega App.

Without Mini Apps, you’ll need 10 different apps to get all these daily chores done. But with Mini Apps at your fingertips, you just need a mega app like Goodbox to discover your favourite businesses, add them to your home screen and become a Mini App ninja, knocking off your daily task list.

No wonder then, that 1000s of businesses are signing up to create their Mini App and lakhs of customers are downloading the Goodbox mega app to add and buy directly with their trusted businesses.

Multiple categories

Any business can have their Mini App on the Goodbox app. 5000+ businesses across 100+ categories have created their Mini App on Goodbox. If you’re a business that’s interested in getting independent and having your own online presence, there’s no good reason to not create your Mini App today itself. Your consumers will thank you for it!

View some of the Mini Apps of businesses on the Goodbox app. You could have something like that within minutes. Once you’re convinced, you can get started with the Goodbox Partner app. Both the apps are available on iOS and Android.

Create your Mini App → in 5 minutes!

