Machine Learning in Dashboards

Štěpán Machovský
GoodData Developers
7 min readSep 26, 2023

The Next Big Step for Better Informed Decisions

Have you ever seen a dashboard and thought to yourself that it would be nice to be able to use machine learning to get more out of your data? Well I have. I always had this idea that when working with data, no matter the environment, you should have the power to manipulate it, to always see more and be one step ahead — dashboards included.

However, there is one small caveat when it comes to dashboards. They are visited by people with various skills — data scientists, business analysts, business executives, and managers. This means that there is no one-fits-all solution.

Right now, I’m working at GoodData on the private beta of machine learning in the dashboards. Currently, there are two possible use-cases on the table:

  • A One Click solution tailored for the business users
  • Hands on experience in Jupyter Notebook for the tech-savvy

The One Click solution is pretty straightforward. Picture this: you’re a business person who just taps a button, tweaks a couple of parameters for the algorithm, and voilà! You’ve got yourself a forecast for next quarter.

Is the One Click approach perfect for everyone?

No, of course not. In machine learning, there is no free lunch and One Click experience should be viewed only as a quick peek into the data rather than a robust tool. ML is often very sophisticated and needs a lot of steps before you can really benefit from it. When you input garbage, you get garbage back. But hey, you can always roll up your sleeves, clean up that data, give it a little polish, and set yourself up for some smarter outputs.

Well, to do this, you need to have the data on hand and know your way around it. Ideally, you would do this as a part of the transformation process. But sometimes, you just can’t change the data flows to the BI tool. In that case, you can still fetch the data and have a go with something like pandas in Python to get it to shape.

For the second use-case, if the One Click experience is not sufficient, you can open up a Jupyter notebook directly in your dashboard to work with the data firsthand. This means that you would be able to retrieve a dataframe from any visualisation and be able to for instance change the ML algorithm or normalise the data beforehand.

While working with the data, you can, of course, utilise various libraries to visualise it and work with it more easily. Afterwards, you can send the modified data back through the API to see it in your dashboard. Meaning that the Jupyter notebooks would break the barriers between data visualisation and data science, making machine learning not just another tool, but an integral part of your better informed decision making.

For us, the guiding principle is accessibility for all, from beginners to seasoned data professionals. That’s why our Jupyter notebooks are designed to follow a ‘happy path,’ providing clear explanations at each step. This ensures that, right out of the box, the results you get from the notebooks align seamlessly with those from the One Click solution.

This integrated approach eliminates the need for context-switching, allowing you to concentrate solely on the task at hand. You’ll also have the flexibility to preview your work at any stage and easily compare it with the existing dashboard:

The notebooks also contain a slight abstraction, for the retrieval of dataframes and the follow-up push to the server. Data enthusiasts just want to work with the data and we want to help them achieve that faster. This means that retrieving and previewing the data frame is and should be as easy, as running these Jupyter cells:

Pet Shop Story

Let’s paint a story to see how this would all come together.

You work for a large pet store and your boss told you to create a dashboard that would show him how well the store is doing. Since it is a pet store, there might be some special things he’d like to see, like indoor temperature or humidity. Unfortunately, your deadline is tonight.

Easy enough, you connect your data source, where you aggregate all your data, to some BI tool and try to drag & drop yourself out of trouble. Let’s say you have Snowflake and use GoodData. This would make it quite easy to quickly create a dashboard. It could look like this:

That might work, but your boss wants to see if there are any spikes in temperature, because the parrots are susceptible to sudden temperature changes. Furthermore, he would like to see how the new type of dog food might be priced, due to economic changes. And he would also like to see types of buyers, as he would like to better tailor the next discount flyer.

You decide to try the one-click ML and hope for the best. You start with dog food, where with two clicks you have this visualisation:

That seems quite reasonable, so you move onto the temperature. When looking at it, you can see that there are some data points missing:

Well, what can you do? Some of the algorithms fail on data with missing values. Not all data is perfect, you can talk to your boss about it later. Since you want to see the delta temperature anomalies as fast as possible, you open up the integrated Jupyter notebook and use something like PersistanceAD from the adtk library:

df = get_df() # Simply fetch the dataframe
# ML parameters:
sensitivity = 1
window = 3
seasonal_ad = PersistAD(window = window, c=sensitivity, side="both")
anomalies = seasonal_ad.fit_detect(df)

This gets you a list of bools, denoting whether each point is anomaly or not. Now you might want to visualise it using matplotlib:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 2.5))
df.plot(ax=ax, label="data")

anomalies = anomalies.fillna(False)
# Filter the data using the anomalies binary mask to get the anomaly values.
anomaly_values = df[anomalies]
# Use scatter to plot the anomalies as points.
ax.scatter(anomaly_values.index, anomaly_values, color="red", label="anomalies")

This is not really telling, so you play with the parameters for a while. And after a few minutes you are done! Now you can finally see the points you’ve wanted to see:

Lastly you would like to cluster the users by their buying power, so your boss can finally update the old discount flyer. For this you have this dataset:

This seems to be easily distinguishable with K-means or a Birch algorithm. You have already used the Jupyter, so you want to be in control of this visualisation. You start the notebook again and run some variation of:

# Threshold
threshold = 0.03
cluster_count = 5
# Update DataFrame to be compatible with Birch
x = np.column_stack((df[df.columns[0]], df[df.columns[1]]))
model = Birch(threshold=threshold, n_clusters=cluster_count)
yhat = model.fit_predict(x) for cluster proximity, lower promotes splitting

Now you send the yhat (the predicted values) to the server. You are rewarded with this visualisation:

That really looks like a job well done. To put it into picture, let’s see, how your whole dashboard would look like:

And that’s just it! You’ve managed to create the dashboard in time! And this easily, you could enhance any of your dashboard and make it much more capable, than ever before.


Machine learning is the next logical step in maximising the potential of your data, making it an essential feature in modern dashboards. Implementing it seamlessly is vital to prevent loss of context, ensuring that data exploration can be conducted all in one place.

As of now, we are aiming to create guided walkthroughs in Jupyter notebooks for the most popular visualisations. This means that most line plots and bar charts will soon feature a notebook for anomaly detection and forecasting. Scatter plots and bubble charts on the other hand will focus on clustering.

Of course, the possibilities don’t end there. Machine learning can enhance nearly any type of data, and when paired with AI, it can be directed through natural language queries. This is definitely a promising avenue that we want to explore!

Interested in AI? Check out an article from Patrik Braborec, discussing How to Build Data Analytics Using LLMs.

Would you like to try the machine learning enhanced dashboards? The features described in this article are currently being tested in a private beta, but if you want to try them, please contact us. You can also check out our free trial, or ask us any question in our community slack!



Štěpán Machovský
GoodData Developers

AI/ML enthusiast, lover of ice cream and other forms of art.