Meet ​Smile for Hope​ Foundation (Nepal) and help survivors of the deadly earthquake

Tech and Impact


“​Smile for Hope​” ​is seeking all possible assistance to help survivors of the deadly 25 April earthquake and the aftershocks that resulted from it. The people of Nepal have been traumatized as their loved ones, houses and livestock have perished. The earthquake even damaged schools and health centers. Now, two months after the quake, landslides have started occurring, threatening to burry whole village​s ​that lie directly underneath the mountains. These landslides are ​a​ direct result of​ the​ earthquake. Many villages have had to be recollected because the landslides, and they are now living in tents​ with very little food​, ​water​ and supplies.

​”​Smile for Hope” has​ been involved in health and educational programs for the rural world since its creation in Nepal ​in 2012. After the earthquake,​ ​​our focus has been to ensure people​ come out stronger from this devastation and return to normal life as quickly as possible. Join our mission to ​reach as many people as possible and care for them better. Even your small help will go a long way.
Our post-earthquake work so far.

Relief Distribution


In Lapshephedi, we distributed immediate relief to 5 villages. Most houses in these villages were completely destroyed by the earthquake and people were living out in the open. We distributed rice, pulse, salt, sugar and other edible items. We also distributed tarpaulin tents so they could construct makeshift shelters. With our help, these people have lived through the initial traumatic stage and fought off hunger.


More than 50 people were buried alive in the recent landslide in Taplejung. Most NGOs and government agencies were preoccupied in earthquake affected districts and they didn’t even notice the tragedy.
​”​Smile for Hope​”​acted swiftly providing tents, rice, lentils, cooking oil, salt and plates to over 500 people in 5 villages. For the pregnant women and newborn babies, we provided clothes, nutrition, milk, lotion and pads. With our help, these villagers are now starting to rebuild their lives and a semblance of normalcy has been restored.

Temporary Learning Shelters

​”​Smile for Hope​” ​provided 8 temporary learning centers in 8 schools located in very remote, earthquake ravaged districts. The buildings of these schools had completely collapsed after the earthquake and the students didn’t have any classrooms to return to their schools. Our centers can now accommodate these students and normal classes have now resumed. Over 300 students benefited from the learning center.

Temporary shelters — Lapsephedi

In keeping with our principles of skill sharing, local sourcing and community empowerment, our team in Lapsephedi has built 62 temporary shelters made of locally sourced bamboo, wheat straw, tarpaulin and sand bags. We choose to build these shelters for people who couldn’t afford to build themselves and didn’t have any family members to help them. These semi-permanent homes will help the population survive the coming monsoon and storms while we prepare for their permanent housing.

Help ​Smile for Hope​! Donate food items from this wishlist now so we can send immediate relief to them and they can survive the rainy season that lasts until the end of September.



Tech and Impact

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