Helder launches a GoodDollar Marketplace on Facebook for developers in Brazil

Developers in are exchanging services and digital products using G$ — and learning about basic income and blockchain

1 min readAug 18, 2021


Did you know, most of GoodDollar’s early adopters — in terms of signing up for digital basic income — are from South America? To date, there have been over 4 million G$ claimed in Argentina — the top-ranking country — and in neighbouring Brazil, where less than 200,000 G$ has been claimed, one man is doing his best to catch spread the word.

Our latest #GoodPerson is software engineer, social entrepreneur and crypto evangelist Helder S Ribeiro, who lives in Campo Grande — the capital and the largest city in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in the centre-west region of the South American country — and is one of GoodDollar’s most active community members.

Continue reading this article on GoodDollar.org — Click Here!

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Note that this article was first published on GoodDollar.org on December 22, 2020




GoodDollar is a series of ongoing experiments and research, establishing an economic framework designed to reduce global wealth inequality through UBI.