Introducing GoodDollar Alpha 2.0

Introducing GoodDollar Alpha 2.0

Tal Oron


In our continuous effort to improve our product, we are excited to launch a new version of the GoodDollar wallet Dapp named Alpha 2.

We invite you to revisit our app and further our progress with continuous engagement to help us develop our vision of a decentralised economy. If you have not yet registered, sign up here.

What Is Alpha 2 About?

We’ve completely redesigned the app, putting in place our a happy, colourful, simple and nice experience focused on making the G$ token economy accessible and easy to understand. Both the new interface and improved interaction design were largely made possible by your feedback — we thank you for that.

Second is our universal basic income (UBI) scheme. This is the first time we’re launching an experiment towards launching our public ecosystem. The One Good Dollar a day experiment.

This UBI scheme focus on one single, easy-to-understand offering: each member of the GoodDollar economy is eligible to claim G$1 a day. On average, that means that every person is entitled to roughly G$30 a month, or G$365 a year.

Due to this change, the team’s bizdev aim has changed as well: we’re now focused on finding value anchors that would drive G$ value from 0 (a free token) to be exchangeable for 1 US dollar; hence aiming to deliver an equivalent to $30 a month as UBI to all of the GoodDollar members.

Alpha 1 testers, be advised that all previous tokens will be revoked from your wallets with this release.

Many thanks in advance for taking the time to help.

Disclaimer: This is still a test version, all tokens are “play tokens” and will be revoked before public release.

More about GoodDollar here



Tal Oron

Executive Director of not-for-profit, implementing Global Universal Basic Income over Blockchain. Co-Founder and ex-COO of