Introducing GoodDollar’s New Development Community Website

Hadar Rottenberg
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2019
Dive in: developers and blockchain enthusiasts are encouraged to explore GoodDollar’s community website

By Hadar Rottenberg, Technical Lead, GoodDollar

I’m delighted to announce the launch of the GoodDollar community website. This serves as a platform on which developers and members of our growing community can communicate with one another, and help drive our collective effort to reduce global wealth inequality.

GoodDollar is a not-for-profit project that intends to launch a payment network, and explores how decentralised cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology may enable economic models based on universal basic income (UBI). This new community website will play a vital role in achieving our core mission.

You are encouraged to get involved with GoodDollar, via the community website. Here you can monitor our progress, as we build our product — we aim to launch a pilot project later in 2019 — access and develop open-source code, read technical and position papers that explain our workings and direction, and much more.

There are a number of features to explore on the GoodDollar community website, including our Forum. This is an essential channel through which to communicate with both the wider community and also directly with our core team. On the Forum, you can delve into topics — on social impact, user experience, economy, and development, among others — and start new conversations, and spark collaborations.

Ask me another: GoodDollar’s new Forum has a number of topics for the community to tackle

Additionally, on the community website — which can be accessed on desktop and mobile — you will find essential information and insights about the GoodDollar project and the framework we are building. Here you can view developer documents and our GitHub site, tune in to GoodDollar’s latest social media activity, and check out our Medium channel.

You can also search for local meetups — plus ask GoodDollar to sponsor your events — read our community guide, where you will find key information about wealth distribution, the principles of UBI, and more.

Furthermore, here you can take steps to become a founding member — ie an early adopter invited to test the Alpha version of GoodDollar’s decentralised application (DApp) and assist us with crafting our future social finance network — or even an ambassador: people who are passionate about our project and wish to become more heavily involved with our project. In short, this community website will help us build the GoodDollar ecosystem and our product, together.

We are inviting as many free thinkers, blockchain-enthusiasts, developers, economists, writers, and progressive minds as possible to contribute to GoodDollar’s agenda of UBI. We are well aware we can’t do it alone and these — the community website and the GoodDollar Forum — are important building blocks as we make our vision a reality. Come and join us.

GoodDollar: Change Wealth Inequality — For Good

Do you have the skills to help the GoodDollar project? We need builders, scientists and experts in identity, privacy, and financial governance, as well as philanthropists and ambassadors. Contact us, via our social media channels (Twitter, Telegram, or Facebook), join the OpenUBI movement, or visit our GitHub page. OurYouTube channel is worth checking out, too.



Hadar Rottenberg

Monetary reformist and researcher. Advocates revolutionary thinking. Working on cooperative sustainable crypto economies. working at