July GoodUpdate: The bear market is for builders

Jessica Salama
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2022

It was another exciting month in the GoodDollar ecosystem. Here’s a helpful summary to catch you up:

Community Call

Last week, 40 ambassadors and community members around the world met for the July monthly community call to discuss:

  • Community-driven vision
  • Latest data
  • Community marketing campaigns + ideas
  • Ambassador updates
  • New learning cohort for community builders

Check out this page for more details, links and the recording.

Some useful updates to the community.gooddollar.org site:

  • Meet the builders behind GoodDollar’s community support, moderation, marketing and local community outreach in the new Contributors Page here
  • See all upcoming events in this calendar
  • The community site is always a work in progress (we build together) so your feedback and helpful suggestions are always most appreciated (you can find GoodDollar on Telegram, Discord, and Twitter :wave)

Product updates:

  • It’s now easier than ever to buy GoodDollar with a credit card, here’s the guide and step-by-step video
  • Marketplace V2, iOS app, and claim notifications coming soon, stay tuned 👀
  • The design research survey results are in — and we’re moving on to Phase 2 soon! Learn more here (link to page)
  • GoodDollar continues to be in the top 10 Dapps by daily active users!
Get more G$ by purchasing directly with a credit card and the Fuse.Cash. app!

July GoodData:

  • USD $129,816 equivalent distributed in July (G$ 734,479,381)
  • 6,371 new Unique UBI claimers in July (-20.21%)
  • 11,670 new sign-ups: (-1.29%)
  • 1,147,107 Total Claims: (-18.09%)
  • 6,669 transactions: (+54.02%)
  • 44,574 Active claimers in July (-41.20%)

See more data, charts and a recap of 2022 so far here 🚀

Upcoming events:

  • August 11–12 Anna Stone, GoodDollar co-founder is speaking at DeFiCon in Brooklyn, NY
  • Steve at Web3Bridgehub Meetup in Lagos, Nigeria on August 10th
  • GoodTalk August 31st with Deepa Chaudhury about real world use cases of crypto micro-entrepreneurs
  • And more!

News and updates

The Crypto4Her campaign is active and donations are open! Use your G$ to support 10 good causes and counties with just a few clicks from your GoodDollar wallet. No purchase necessary, show your support for these women-led causes around the world and learn more about their amazing stories about why digital financial inclusion matters.

Want to learn more about what the community is building on? Follow GoodDollar on Twitter for all the latest updates!

The next round of submissions to the Crypto4Her campaign will be reviewed on August 15th with a community group. Learn more about submitting your good cause on this page, and get in touch if you want to support this project!

Community guides

