Get Your Grain Ratios Right

Good Eggs
Good Eggs
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2016

If you can boil water, cooking up grains should, in theory, be pretty simple. And yet, if you’ve ever wound up with a pot of goopy rice or quinoa the consistency of Grape-Nuts, you know that remembering the right water ratios can be a bit tricky.

Enter our helpful grain infographic… our grainfographic! Print it out, post it on the fridge, and you’ll forever have a cheat sheet for grain success. Let no grain go mis-cooked!

It’s worth noting that some grains have been partially cooked or prepped before you buy them, which can affect how much water you’ll need, as well as the cooking method. For instance, you’ll often see pearled or semi-pearled farro, which means some of the wheat bran has been removed, allowing it to soften up much faster than the un-pearled version. And couscous (which isn’t actually a grain, but feels like part of the family) is typically “quick-cooking,” having been pre-steamed and dried. Just be sure read your labels closely so you know what you’re working with.

And, just like personal preferences, every grain is a little bit different, so always adjust water as needed so it’s to your liking. If “al dente” quinoa is your style, by all means, crunch on.

Originally published at

