Experience the High of Giving this Daan Utsav

Goodera Volunteer
Goodera Volunteer Blog
4 min readSep 10, 2018

Are you looking to create an impact but don’t know where to start? Have you wanted to do more but not found the right opportunities?

Then Daan Utsav is the perfect opportunity for you to explore the opportunity to give back!

Daan Utsav, also known as the ‘Joy of Giving Week’ and originally termed ‘India Giving Week’, has traditionally been held each year during the first week of October. Individuals and corporates traditionally perform acts of giving through monetary donations. Corporations take part in numerous CSR projects in this ‘festival of philanthropy’.

Daan Utsav, done differently

Click here to know more: daan-utsav.goodera.com

At Goodera, we believe in empowering your decisions to do good for the community. This is how Goodera Volunteer was born, a beautiful idea that lets you create real world impact from the comfort of your desks. Just visit daan-utsav.goodera.com to get started.

This Daan Utsav, we’ve put a spin on the conventional methods of giving by offering you the chance to embrace the spirit of giving through volunteering! Imagine volunteering with your co-workers and sharing exciting new experiences along the way! Wouldn’t that be a good feeling?

Our innovative system lets you find opportunities to volunteer for causes you are passionate about. You can track the impact your actions on the community and even compete with your colleagues. Competition couldn’t get any healthier!

The Volunteer’s High

Ever wondered why you feel good after doing something good? The “good feeling” we get from volunteering goes above and beyond what we think. Studies suggest a strong link between supporting others and bettering our own physical and mental health. Volunteering can help de-stress, elevate our mood and even boost our confidence. Now, you know that the good feeling you get is not just an emotional one, but actually a physical one.

What is surprising however, is that the quality of your physical health also improves through volunteering. It has been observed that on average, volunteers live for longer and are more physically capable than those who don’t volunteer. You could consider swapping your gym workout on one day with an action packed volunteering experience!

Introducing Micro-Volunteering

We understand the value of your time. We know it’s difficult to juggle work, family & friends, and when the everyday problems of our life are thrown into the mix, finding the time to volunteer is almost impossible.

This is why we offer you Micro-Volunteering opportunities! Now you can volunteer from the comfort of your desk and the familiarity of your computers and phones. Write a blog or mentor a child over phone, small steps and minimal effort on your part can change the world forever. All you have to do is find the will to change it.

A Herculean task made easy

What sets our Daan Utsav offering apart is that we don’t want you to simply give money to a cause. We want you to work for it with your own two hands and see the real-time impact of your efforts. This Daan Utsav, we are helping you to work for a cause you feel passionate about.

We believe volunteering helps in building a deeper connection within and strengthens our relationships with others. This Daan Utsav, we are giving you the opportunity to see the joy in a child’s eyes when you decorate his school with artwork. We want you to feel the joy an unemployed youth feels when you teach him how to use Excel.

But we understand that finding, organizing and participating in volunteering activities is no easy task. But what if the steps in-between were made easy? Goodera provides you tailored volunteering opportunities that make it simple for you to support causes that are close to your heart, while having fun with your colleagues. You can make a difference and see the change right in front of you. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and explore what we have in store for you.

Make your voice heard and inspire your fellow colleagues to influence a positive difference. Make a good beginning!

Visit daan-utsav.goodera.com

