Goodnight Brain

Claire Murdough
The Pluot
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2019


In a small living room

There was a coat rack
And a glass of dusty water

And a notepad filled with
some dozen things to do.

And three bills on the counter

And eleven unread messages

And so many unspoken things

There were small little fears
Crawling about like worms.

And “Am I smart?”
And “Is it too late?”
And “Am I really alone?”

With the rudest of all
“Am I enough?”

(Such a sharp little needle.)

Goodnight small room
Goodnight coat rack
Goodnight glass of dusty water.

Goodnight long list
Goodnight bills on the counter.

Goodnight night worry worms.

Goodnight lonely messages
And goodnight fretful chants.

Goodnight needle doubts.

Goodnight little living room.

Goodnight brain.

It’s time to go to bed, my dear.

Story Note:

I’ve always wanted to write a series of “Children’s Books for Adults.” And when I first pictured it coming together, I imagined short and funny little things that might make people smile. “Pee with Purpose” and “Where Have All the Hair Ties Gone?” That kind of stuff. But sometimes things turn out to be more tender than you think. Go figure.

The inspiration for this particular story is, of course, the children’s story “Goodnight Moon.” The un-ignorable urge to write this version came one night while riding Bart home. It had been a crazy and punch-you-in-the-gut kind of day. In the moment, I remember wishing I could turn my mind off like a lamp.

And now here we are.



Claire Murdough
The Pluot

Trust that if all else fails, you can make a pie.