5 ways to use Goodnight Journal

Stephany Carrillo
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2021

Goodnight journal is a web and mobile app to write journals, entries or notes, what you want to call them, very simple right? But it’s not only a kind of diary, it’s something else, we can use it in so many different ways that I’m going to tell you then. This post is possible for all the users of GNJ, they’re so creative for the use that the app can have to improve many areas of our life. So let’s get started.

Here are 5 ways to use Goodnight Journal

  1. The first one is very simple, Goodnight Journal is a diary to write and share our thoughts, feelings, a situation, etc. That’s the most basic of the uses that you can give it and it’s better explained in the previous post. You can check it out.
  2. You can record your thoughts and your experience for posterity, maybe to look back and remember some chapters of your life when you’re old or maybe show it to someone. In GNJ you can add pictures to your entries so it’s a good way to not forget.
  3. Also you can use it as your digital notebooks to organize your content in a easy way, you can use it with #Hashtags, yes with #Hashtags. For example if you want to take some notes of a class or maybe some notes from your work. You must use some hashtags that work for you when you’re going to search. If you want to organize your notes from work you can use the hashtags #Work #Project or maybe the company’s name or also the #Task that you’re working on at the moment.
  4. You can use it as a photo album, for example you’re going to travel with your family and friends or maybe alone. You can add your favorite pictures, write some funny captions, take some notes about the places you visited, the food you like the most from that place and more.
  5. To end, in Goodnight Journal you can write your progress about your mental health or maybe your progress in a diet or exercises program, set a goal list for the day, the month or the year, adding links to songs, videos, social media profiles, etc. Doing your meals plans or even writing songs, poems, chapters of a novel. GNJ is a canvas and you’re the main character in that story.

Bonus tip for you

Bonus: It’s important to remember that your entries can be private or if you want to share with the community, public. It’s up to you. Some of them can be public and others private. It’s your decision. Goodnight Journal is a world of possibilities and you can use it for whatever you want. Let’s be creative.

Write unlimited private journals for free!

Goodnight Journal is the only personal journal app that offers modern design that works the same on any device, with the community and features to boost your mental health.

