How Goodnight Journal made me a more empathic person

Stephany Carrillo
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2021

During recent times we heard a lot about the word “empathy” or maybe phrases like “you need to be more empathic” “you’re not empathic with those people” “if the world were more empathic this may not happen” etc. But what is really empathy, according to Oxford Languages is “showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another”.

Everybody can do it

It sounds very simple, in fact everybody can do that but it’s not that easy because before to get to that place when you considering you as empathic person in a big ego scenario you must pass for the judgement phase when you point to others for no thinking like you do, believe in what you believe, vote for the candidate you like the must, love what you love or who you want to love, etc. I could pass like a day mentioning all things that people can agree or disagree on.

One day, I heard that there are so many options, ways of thinking, personalities, situations, environments, etc as people are in this world. For that reason we must celebrate when we agree on a common benefit but we must respect when we’re not. That’s the first step for a healthy relationship either at work, school, with family, friends or even on social media. Because there’s not a place with so much hate as the social networks.

A different world in front of me

It’s so easy to point others when you’re not in that situation, when I came to Goodnight journal I saw a world that I haven’t seen in other social networks, in that place are people like you or like me but opener to share with the community a way to see the world that it’s far to be perfect. It’s easier to fight and not understand the behavior of someone near us but maybe you don’t know if this person has a mental illness or it’s having a bad time at work or at home.

The easy way is judge, judge the behavior, the thinking, the race, the political ideas, the sexual preference. The hard work is to respect, listen, communicate, understand, support and help. Because you don’t suffer a problem or a situation in your city or your country does not mean that it doesn’t exist. We need to break the bubble of ignorance and apathy to build a better world for all of us.

This post is very personal to me but I want to thank Goodnight Journal for giving me the chance to see a world bigger than I believed it was, to know different life perspectives and the most powerful teaching that with kindness and respect we can build a healthy world, without so much hate. Because the good ones are more.

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