How writing journals could help to manage anxiety

Stephany Carrillo
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2021

Anxiety is a word that everybody can hear very often these times. Some time ago it was a myth, an exaggeration in other’s eyes or maybe a banal word used in different contexts. Nowadays anxiety is a very common disorder in how we see the world and our natural response to a very stressful situation. It’s considered that everybody has experienced anxiety at least one time during his life.

Covid-19 and Anxiety

Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit our lives last year, for many people the anxiety has increased to a very worrying level, the fear for the unknown, the uncertainty for the health, the illness, the economic, the jobs, etc was the perfect combination for a public mental health crisis. Various experts have said that after all this Covid thing comes to an end, it will stay a very serious mental health problem in a big part of the population.

It’s our second pandemic in modern times, the first was the H1N1, but for sure Covid-19 was more deadly, scary and put our world on stand-by for some months and it’s not over yet. During those months last year, the social networks were flooded by very bad news, every day it was like a constant bombing of them. People were scared, tired and anxious and some of us look for other options to keep us safe or at least be heard and read without all the convulsion from popular social networks.

Goodnight Journal help me to manage my anxiety

In that time I knew Goodnight Journal, this app and web page to write entries about almost anything and I started writing my thoughts during the day, my worries about the unemployment, people who were through an economic problems due to Covid crisis, some relatives got Covid-19 and it wasn’t a normal flu, they were very complicated about it but right now, they can go out from it and are safe and healthy but it were darks days and not only for me. I think for the very first time in a while all the world were worried about the same thing, we all were connected in a global crisis that affected us in so many ways, one more than others but at the end we were concerned for the future and that’s anxiety it’s “fear or apprehension about what’s to come”.


Some people take that anxiety to a next level and it’s when some symptoms like fast heartbeat, sweating and the feeling that you’re going to die appear in panic attacks, if you’re experiencing this kind of feelings and symptoms you must visit a psychologist, this post and its recommendations are only informative.

Help is on the way

When people came to GNJ, most of them have so many doubts but then the thoughts and feelings started to flow, this doesn’t mean that you’re not going to a specialist or to a therapist but it’s a good place to start.

For example, you could use it to do a goal list for day, a week even the year, this help you to have a structure or a schedule in your day. When you’re in an anxiety crisis you can share your thoughts and your fears and maybe only write them and keep the entry private. It’s a good way to unbosom in a crisis. But the most important thing is that you have the support from others users, some of them feel identified because again we’re all on the same page. You can feel that you’re not alone, you’re not the only one who is through anxiety episodes and the advice and tips or maybe a word of encouragement from others could help to stay calm and move on.

With Goodnight Journal you can write your progress managing anxiety, moments or days after the crisis you can read those thoughts or feelings and you can see how much you’re improving. The best tip for this is one day at time.

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Goodnight Journal is the only personal journal app that offers modern design that works the same on any device, with the community and features to boost your mental health.

