Journaling to Keep your Resolution

Marie Tiratira
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2021

The year 2021 is finally here! As we usher in the new year, we leave behind all the negativity and problems in 2020. There is no better way to welcome the new year through a list of resolutions to help ensure that we will veer away from the mistakes of the previous years. But how many times have we started the year with these promising and hopeful resolutions, only to find ourselves falling back to our old habits by the third week of January?

Photo by Pam Sharpe on Unsplash

Journaling helps to keep track of our resolutions since we are able to visualize and track these resolutions. Here are some tips to ensure that we do not stray away from our promised resolutions.

  1. Type it down in an online journal.
  2. Write down your resolutions in a journal in order for you see the goals you want to achieve. It is best if you put in a public journal so that you will be more motivated to keep up with it since it is in public document. A public journal can also encourage you since others in the community can cheer you on your progress. The community can also help you out if you are feeling down and can’t find the will to keep your resolution. Writing down your specific goals can also help you air out your challenges in achieving them. In this way, you can keep your thoughts and goals organized. Other readers can also help out in the challenges as maybe they have encountered it as well.
  3. Keep it SMART

Just like any goals we set out to achieve, our resolution should be S.M.A.R.T.


It should be specific in such a way that you have a clear goal. Think of it as part of the law of attraction so it is specific enough that you are claiming you will achieve it. Writing this in a journal can help you review these goals and revisit it in times of difficulties to achieve it.

For example, “I will fit in a size small dress and I will weigh 110 lbs by the end of 2021.”

M- Measurable

It should be measurable so that you can see your progress within the whole year. This way you will be more encouraged to work toward your resolution because you are slowly achieving it. As seen in our previous example, it will be easier for you to see you are working towards your resolution since you have a specific size and weight target. Keeping a daily journal to include the things you are doing to achieve this goal is very helpful since you will be able to measure your progress.

A- Achievable

It is also imperative that your resolution is achievable throughout the year. You will only breed resentment toward your resolution of you set a too high goal that cannot be attained by normal beings. As in the example, the goal of 110lbs is from the current weight of 140lbs. This way the goal is to lose that 30lbs in 12 months. This is achievable and will not be frustrating since you will be able to see the progress. As you write in your journal, you will be able to track your achievements since you can see progress.

R- Relevant

It should also be relevant since this will be your motivation to continue in achieving your goal. As for the example, you want to fit in the size small dress because it is your wedding next year and want to look good on your special day. This will be your motivation in your everyday progress which you can always reiterate in your journal so that you will not give up.

T- Time bound

As any goal, it is better if the resolution is time bound so that you have small milestones to celebrate. It is best to write down in your journal these milestones and their corresponding emotions you have when achieving them. In this way, you can look back on your journey every time you feel disheartened.

3. Just keep on moving forward

There will be days when you will backtrack and fall back to your bad habits but it is important to note that even if this does happen, you just need to continue and restart again the next day. Journaling can help you in writing down what led to falling back in these habits and from there you can figure out how to avoid it in the future. It is important to just always move forward and acknowledge that sometimes we do make mistakes but it does not mean we will stop achieving the resolution.

Those are some tips that will hopefully help us maintain our new years resolution. Happy New Year and Happy journaling.

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