Designing Influencer Tech — A Product:Hour with blogfoster

Goodpatch GmbH
Goodpatch Global
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2019

This August, we had the pleasure of hosting the blogfoster team at our Berlin studio for a Product:Hour session. A new initiative from Goodpatch, Product:Hour is a free hour of consultation for start-ups, enterprises and NGOs who need structured, actionable feedback on their digital product or service.

blogfoster is Europe’s technology leader in influencer marketing automation. On the eve of the launch of eqolot, their suite of software tools and services designed specifically for Influencer Marketing campaigns, Gabriel Radic, Head of Product, and Kael Hauptmann, Intern, came to Goodpatch for feedback on their website and style guide.

After a brief introduction, we spent the first part of the session discussing blogfoster’s current goals and Gabriel walked us through the eqolot style guide and website layout. To share feedback in the most constructive way possible we used a format we like to use for our internal design feedback sessions: “I like, I wish, I wonder”. This allows us to emphasize what we enjoyed the most, highlight what we would have liked to see and ask the most important questions while encouraging open conversation.

Central to our discussion was their new logo and the overall look and feel including the design elements and font hierarchy. UX/UI design guru, Cristina Thomas, could quickly identify where there was a lack of cohesion among the design elements. Everything has meaning and it’s important to carefully choose the right colors, tone of voice, images to complement the brand story.

blogfoster recently launched the first version of the eqolot website and we couldn’t be more happy for them! A tool that was used internally by blogfoster to deliver thousands of campaigns for some of the most powerful brands, is now available to everyone. They’ll continue to iterate and update the website and style guide with our feedback — we look forward to watching them grow!

If you need feedback on your digital product or service, register for your free Product:Hour session today!



Goodpatch GmbH
Goodpatch Global

A Product Studio in Berlin and Tokyo. We built @prottapp. Follow ahead for great Stories.