Interactive Notifications, Better Siri Shortcuts on GoodTask for iOS 4.2
GoodTask App
Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2018

Remember a post mentioning that notifications are the future of apps? It may be somewhat true. GoodTask for iOS 4.2 update will show you why.

Screenshot of the new notifications on GoodTask 4.2

iOS 12 has introduced interactive notifications which has let notifications to have rich view with buttons. Now when you view a notification (by 3D touch or choosing view), it’ll show you details like the task on list view. What’s added is ‘Open URL’ button that will appear if you have url on URL field, title or notes field. This will let you open URL directly on the notification.

Also you can tap circle to complete the task and go into the app directly. Tapping first line of title will let you go into the app too. Both will lead you inside to the task detail page.

If you don’t want to go into the task, just simply tap first button which will complete the task and dismiss the notification. There are 3 buttons for snooze option. Default is 10 minutes, 30 minutes and 1 hour which will be added to current alarm time.

Default Buttons

You can set snooze times inside settings. Choosing it to 0 minutes will remove the button if you don’t use it. The best part of this new notifications update is the ‘Quick Actions’ part. By tapping it, you’ll see all the quick actions you’ve made inside the app. You can edit and run actions right away on the notification and get it done with. :)

Notification settings are in ‘Settings — General’. Default value has been off but since it’s too useful, I’ve managed it to be on by default. You can change this anytime in the settings.

New 2 big other features added are Lists Filter and Auto-Snooze.

By setting lists filter, only the tasks inside your chosen lists will be notified.

Auto-Snooze is what we call nagging feature which is nothing to do with ‘Snooze’ buttons on notifications. Snooze buttons change alarm time to the future but auto-snooze makes repeated notifications that run multiple times.

If you don’t like auto-snooze, you can turn it off completely on the device. You can set default auto-snooze on all lists or certain lists. If you set certain lists, all other lists will be set to none.

You can also set auto-snooze on separate task inside task detail menu under alarm. If you set this, it’ll run regardless of default settings.

All the settings related to notifications are not synced throughout the devices. It’ll be saved locally. But auto-snooze option on each separate tasks will be saved and will be synced to other devices.

Notifications that can be made at once is limited to 64 at once. If you have lots of location-based reminders that goes up to the limits, time-based notifications and auto-snooze may not work properly.

App Icon Badge will be updated with notifications and the option inside ‘Settings — General — App Icon Badge- iCloud App Icon Badge Active Sync’ has been added. If you turn this on, it’ll try to update the badge more often when you edit tasks on different devices.

Better Siri Shortcuts

Siri Shortcuts options are added on Settings. You can view all your Siri Shortcuts right inside the menu and edit them. Also ‘Add New Task’ Siri Shortcuts are added. You can use Clipboard text to add title, title+notes, title+subtasks directly. Dates can follow ‘New Task’ defaults or you can set next hour, relative time or custom dates. Lists, priority, location (favorite ones only) and URL can be set too.


Due date option is added to Smart Lists’ Scheduled filter (Today, tomorrow and within options) while using ‘Use Start Date’ option.

Normally scheduled filter gathers tasks based on due date. While ‘Use Start Date’ option is on, it gathers tasks between start date and due date. With new ‘Due date’ option checked, it’ll gather tasks using due date while using ‘Use Start Date’ option.

And lots of other minor features are improved and fixed. Hope you enjoy the update. :)


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