Question Your Authority

Jeffrey Alan Henderson


We have ten days between a cold 10-hour video shoot and the launch of a month long campaign. Twice a day we review content, edits, transitions, copy and general vibe in our self-imposed bubble. The general tone is relaxed but the work is always serious. Always honest. There’s no such thing as ‘good enough’ and we will never be finished. We will run out of time.

After one of our reviews our Creative Director asked if one of his his critiques was too harsh — both in direction and tonality. As usual the feedback was shared with our entire team on our app — because it allows everyone to learn and grow together.

This particular feedback was a continuation of a prior concern before an edit that had fully matured so the push was more intense. Our CD isn’t always in the bubble so the day-to-day intensity is different for him. The verbal concern from Wednesday became paragraphs of notes on execution, technology, storytelling and pace.

Living outside of our bubble with a baby on the way while home shopping is stressful, so one might understand the added pressure. But we had four days to launch and less time to revise. The paragraphs were legit, but it was a lot.

“Too much?”, our CD asked after I questioned him about some of the details.

Teachers are Learning



Jeffrey Alan Henderson

Founder of And Them Creative Consultancy. Focused on design, inclusion, sponsorship and community. And sneakers.