6 Key Facts About GoodVision’s Data Privacy Policy: You Own Your Data

Daniel Stofan
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2020

Year 2020 showed that data security is a crucial topic also in the transport planning industry. Numerous data breach cases have shown that organisations that collect traffic data for their projects must start to protect it, for the sake of their own business reputation and continuity.

We have never thought that data privacy measures, which we took as granted and guaranteed in our products from the very beginning, would point up such a difference compared to other methods of working with traffic data in our industry. Nowadays traffic collection companies might pay more attention to whom they are sending their sensitive video material. They might be questioning more about what their traffic data processor is doing with such data after the projects are done.

Want to learn more about GoodVision’s traffic data privacy and how we process your data? Check the full article on our official blog:


Visit GoodVision’s website and the LinkedIn profile if you want to know more about what GoodVision does. If you want to try our traffic analytics platform for free, visit my.goodvisionlive.com.

