GoodX Shared Account for Individuals

Making Stellar Multi-Signature Easy

GoodX Network
GoodX Network
3 min readNov 28, 2018


At GoodX we announced version 1.3 for iOS last week, and it is coming soon to Android. One of the highlighted features in this version is multi-signature accounts, and we decided we’ll put forward a story to explain it further!

“A friend of mine Jordan, would often say he would like to adopt a Fintech solution to manage his personal finances that is more efficient and transparent. I could not agree less with him, as I felt like I need to upgrade myself to a better banking alternative, especially something that incorporates cryptocurrencies and makes things easier for me as an expat.

Me and Jordan had a conventional joint bank account that made it easier for us to manage a lot of payments as we also work together on some freelance projects. A lot of my clients asked me if I would accept payment in cryptocurrency, and while I was open to that idea, I could not possibly share cryptocurrency with Jordan in our shared bank account.

The holiday season is coming up and the nature of my work implies that this is when I need my bank account the most. However, this is the time when banks tend to be closed for a few days making every banking process slow and tiresome. So I recently began researching blockchain payment networks with Jordan to get on before the holidays. He mentioned to me that multi-signature wallets are a popular stellar wallet protection mechanism. However, there was no convenient (and understandable) way for me to be able to create and sign multi-signature transactions on the stellar network. This is when I came across a Fintech app called GoodX Network. This app includes a protocol based on the Stellar Network that lets two or more users create and sign multi-signature transactions with ease.

So I created a new stellar wallet on this app and indicated Jordan as an additional signatory, which means me and Jordan would have this as a shared account. Later, when some clients were to make payments to me for some freelance projects, I asked them to send XLMs to my multi-signature wallet, and Jordan did the same.

To check out the app further, I made a payment to my friend Sara’s stellar wallet. I initiated a payment of 100 XLM to Sara from the joint wallet. Jordan immediately received a transaction demand request within his GoodX app, and as he approved it the transaction was completed. At the initial setup of the wallet I chose that the transactions should be approved by all users by entering their private keys, to ensure maximum security. However, there was also a one-tap option of simple confirmations.

Hopefully, this holiday season doing business will be easy for both me and Jordan as we have now a faster and more convenient banking solution with GoodX, that is easy to manage. GoodX bridges the gap between the usual end-users and the stellar blockchain technology by providing features I that would be much complicated to use outside the app.”

Pre-register to access offers and new features here! 🥇

Download the app from here for iOS and here for android 💙



GoodX Network
GoodX Network

Fiat, Crypto & Investment Gold in a single mobile app, and the World's first credit card and personal IBAN linked to cryptocurrency and Gold