GoodX Finance Network CEO Alex Novikovs

How to run a successful StartUp?

GoodX Network
GoodX Network


Fintech seems to be nowadays the new Black in the business fashion. With a rise of a blockchain technology, every single day a new application or a cyber financial solution is introduced to the world. Just to grab the slice of a fairytale-like pie of hopes and illusions filled with billion dollar unicorn dream.

Further to the future, more and more such companies we will see to come and go and to die, like dust in the wind passing us by. It is nature of the business, not all gonna survive and not all going to thrive in the success. But there always are those who will survive, who will make it to the promised land. A way to the customer’s hearts and wallets, those who despite all odds will shine brighter than anyone ever before and will inspire others to try and fail all over again. So what is the recipe to make it right, to succeed?

We start our journey, quest to find answers to the burning question of every young entrepreneur heart with Alex Novikovs. Co-founder and CEO of the company GoodX Finance Network. Fintech startup that is paving their own way to the stars, making future coming early and lifting us all to the new future. A better future.

Hopefully following Q&a session will give a true insight of the startup world and will raise this magic cover of the innovation and what lies beneath it. And all that through the eyes of one man.

Alex, what would you say GoodX is if you have to do a really quick elevator Pitch?

A Uniq multi-currency platform with crypto, gold and classical fiat in one simple app.

How did you end up in middle of startup world?

I fall in love with computers at the end of the 80’s, became an internet fan at the beginning of 90th and set up my first internet project which I sold after a few years. Since that time, I’m totally hooked with that world and you can say that I’m always online. I believe that the Internet is one of the greatest inventions.

So with quite a lot of experience in building an internet company. What do you reckon, what are the key ingredients for a great startUp?

Good team with flaming hearts and all-consuming faith in what they do. There is no way any startup can become a success without a good team behind it. No matter how good the idea! The inexhaustible energy needed to carry on even in toughest situations is what comes from the team’s faith in the eventual victory. We fuel each other.

Continuing on the same note. What is the hardest thing about running a StartUp?

To find the partners, people with the same level of craziness and madness as you. Who is ready to work hard and sleep less. And who will never give up?

How big role does the luck pay in becoming successful?

Luck plays a big role in all our lives, but without knowledge and brains, it will not bring you to the Olymp. You have to be prepared for luck to appear and be prepared to crab from the opportunity it presents.

The road to success is always filled with dangers and despite all the efforts, there is always someone who is there doing something similar. How big a role is on competitors?

Do not underestimate the rivals. Their failures are good lessons that need to be taken into consideration. Their strides are an incentive to make our product even better.

If you would have to define success in on sentence. What would it be?

Veni, Vidi, Vici.

Latin. Language that seems to capture everything by its core. So what is the story behind GoodX Finance Network? How did it all start?

There is always a story behind. When a visionary investors meet with a talented supervisor and progressive technician and multiply all this with a breakthrough idea — Start-Up is born

So not quite the fairytale-like story of what we have used to hear from raising startUps, where suddenly came the enlightenment. But what has been the toughest challenge so far?

Collect all parts of the puzzle and put them together in the correct order. Have to keep visualizing the big picture and not get carried away too much. Cause there are so many ideas what to do and how to do it, it is quite easy to lose the focus and get drifted from the end game.

So regarding the Big picture. What are the GoodX main goals?

Of course, to make the world a better place. New technologies and services change this world in a non-stop rhythm, just as GoodX will change it.

Noble goal. What can you say are the best features of the GoodX Finance Network as a company?

Simple and comfortable from the outside, complicated and robust inside. And the fact that we are doing something that has never been done before. Being first in the world is quite the value of its own. The World’s first credit card and personal IBAN, linked to cryptocurrency and Gold in a single mobile app!

How do you pick a team?

Same as it should be — we let the world know about the good things we are going to do and ask the universe to help us. One by one, new people start joining the project. As a result, we got a dream team of GoodX.

What is more important, to inspire or to motivate people?

Both of them are very important Inspiration — to boost creativity, the motivation for boosting team power.

How do you motivate/inspire people in GoodX?

Better ask them, not me ;)

What are the next big steps for GoodX?

Releasing the app and getting a feedback from real users.

Last question to wrap this interview up. When would you call a GoodX as a Success?

When our users say that is. Thank you.


Roland Kask



GoodX Network
GoodX Network

Fiat, Crypto & Investment Gold in a single mobile app, and the World's first credit card and personal IBAN linked to cryptocurrency and Gold