Uncommon Answers to Common Questions

When you want to be weird

Todd J. Harmond
Goofy PoeTree
2 min readNov 27, 2020


Photo by Chase @jiggliemon Wilson on Unsplash

It’s not a poem, but goofy.

What’s up?
The sky.

Where are you going?
I’m going forward.

Where did you come from?
Home. Obviously.

Where do you live?
What a silly question! At. My. Home.

How old are you?
Not much old.

What do you do for a living?
Eat, sleep, breath. I would recommend you do that also.

What did you do?
You need to be more specific. When?

Do you have a car?
No, it’s too heavy.

Do you speak another language?
I think we both are fluent in English. Or do you not understand me?

How much does this cost?
Exactly amount written on the label.

Can I pay by card?
Yes, 5 cards, please.

Which bus should I get?
I would suggest you buy a car. Much cheaper choice!

What do you think?
I think what I think and think what I think and… get me out!

How did you find this?
I searched.

Do you like this?
I never thought about it.

What is your view on this?
Close to 180 degrees.

Are you ready to order?
Yes. I order you to bring me water!

What would you like to drink?
Any food. It takes so long to chew it sometimes…

Can I get you anything else?
You cannot get me everything. Can you? Are you a gin?

How was your meal?
It was on the plate. I finished it now.

What’s that?
It’s definitely that.

