William Featherscribbler?

Funny poem

Todd J. Harmond
Goofy PoeTree
1 min readNov 25, 2020


Photo by christie greene on Unsplash

If people got surnames
based on their crafts
then Shakespeare’s ancestors
caused many good laughs

They hunted the animals
that do not know-how
to laugh or to giggle
at something bizarre

Yet after they saw
some people with spears
they froze in surprise
losing all fears

The people were shaking
their spears to no end
the image so funny
that causes a trend

The animals usually
were taught how to laugh
and endless time giggles
caused falling apart

This kind of ancestors
were gods of their craft
getting named quickly
needing no draft

That’s where our Shakespeare
got inspired to write
and that’s why his name
is not Feathercribbler or Scribe

Thank you for reading my poem! I hope it made your day a little bit better. If so, I would appreciate it if you share it with your friends.

Another poem I’m proud of:

