Submitting Action Package for Review

Google Assistant Developer
Google Actions
Published in
6 min readMar 1, 2017

Creating a submission for review will be easy with the Assistant API v1. The main entry point for developer’s submission will be the Unique ID for their Action Package which can be requested by calling `GetActionPackageID`.

Action Packages of 3P developers (Third Person Perspective) must specify the voice type for the application by defining voiceName when creating the package.


>>> print(submissions.create.__doc__)Creates a submission for review.

body: object, The request body. (required)
The object takes the form of:

{ # The main entry point for developer's submission.
"actionPackageId": "A String", # Unique ID for this Action Package, developer invokes GetActionPackageID to
# request this ID.
"applicationInfo": { # Global application info for this agent. # Metadata for the application, like app name, ACL.
"voiceName": "A String", # Used to define voice type for current application. Must be set for 3p
# developers.
"appName": "A String", # The unique App name for the Application, developer submits an gets approval
# from Pantheon front-end, the name can't include space, e.g., "com.uber".
"voiceType": "A String", # Used to define voice type for current application. Must be set for 3p
# actions.
"displayName": "A String", # Developer friendly name for this agent.
"customType": [ # Developer defined custom types, e.g., Uber type from uber.
{ # Tye defined by Developer such as list of colors, or list of uber types.
"isDynamicDefined": True or False, # Indicates the type is runtime defined. Prefer is_user_defined instead. This
# field will be deprecated.
"name": "A String", # Name of the custom type, in the format of "$Type".
"isUserDefined": True or False, # Whether the values are user-defined (different for every user).
"entityCategory": "A String", # Semantic built-in type that is a hypernym of the entity type. Must be a
# built-in type.
"items": [ # List of items for this type. Each includes a key and list of synonyms.
{ # Each Item corresponds a unique entity for this type, it has a unique key
# and list of synonyms which are used to trigger.
"synonyms": [ # List of synonyms which can be used to refer to this item.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Unique key for this item.
"action": [ # Each AP has list of actions, each could be an one-shot action, or a
# multiturn conversation.
{ # Action is an instance for a single-shot action or a multi-turn action.
"initialTrigger": { # Trigger indicates whether it's initial trigger or follow-on trigger. # Trigger phrases to activate developer's backend when user is not in any
# dialog, e.g., [OK Google, book a cab].
"intent": "A String", # Intent captured by the grammar match, e.g., BOOK_A_CAB.
"example": [ # List of trigger query pattern.
{ # Example captures an instance of annotated query example.
"queryPattern": "A String", # Grammar pattern developer requests, in the form of [token|Type:name]+ such
# as "book a cab to $SchemaOrg_Location:destination".
"language": "A String",
"description": "A String", # Describes what the action is doing.
"signInRequired": True or False, # Indicates whether to require user to sign-in before using the feature. This
# is set to true by default for APs requiring account linking such as Uber.
"inDialogTrigger": [ # Trigger phrases used to match user's queries only when user is in the
# middle of a dialog, e.g., [take me to $SchemaOrg_Location:dest].
{ # Trigger indicates whether it's initial trigger or follow-on trigger.
"intent": "A String", # Intent captured by the grammar match, e.g., BOOK_A_CAB.
"example": [ # List of trigger query pattern.
{ # Example captures an instance of annotated query example.
"queryPattern": "A String", # Grammar pattern developer requests, in the form of [token|Type:name]+ such
# as "book a cab to $SchemaOrg_Location:destination".
"execution": { # Execution indicates how to execute the Action, as of Nov 2016, only HTTP is # Indicates the cloud endpoint which manages the actual dialog.
# allowed.
"httpMethod": "A String", # The HTTP method to execute the HTTP endpoint.
"url": "A String", # Cloud endpoint, could be Google Cloud Function or self-hosting endpoint.

x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format

An object of the form:

{ # Submission encapsualates which to be submitted, mainly action package.
"actionPackage": { # The main entry point for developer's submission. # The original Action Package for this submission.
"actionPackageId": "A String", # Unique ID for this Action Package, developer invokes GetActionPackageID to
# request this ID.
"applicationInfo": { # Global application info for this agent. # Metadata for the application, like app name, ACL.
"voiceName": "A String", # Used to define voice type for current application. Must be set for 3p
# developers.
"appName": "A String", # The unique App name for the Application, developer submits an gets approval
# from Pantheon front-end, the name can't include space, e.g., "com.uber".
"voiceType": "A String", # Used to define voice type for current application. Must be set for 3p
# actions.
"displayName": "A String", # Developer friendly name for this agent.
"customType": [ # Developer defined custom types, e.g., Uber type from uber.
{ # Tye defined by Developer such as list of colors, or list of uber types.
"isDynamicDefined": True or False, # Indicates the type is runtime defined. Prefer is_user_defined instead. This
# field will be deprecated.
"name": "A String", # Name of the custom type, in the format of "$Type".
"isUserDefined": True or False, # Whether the values are user-defined (different for every user).
"entityCategory": "A String", # Semantic built-in type that is a hypernym of the entity type. Must be a
# built-in type.
"items": [ # List of items for this type. Each includes a key and list of synonyms.
{ # Each Item corresponds a unique entity for this type, it has a unique key
# and list of synonyms which are used to trigger.
"synonyms": [ # List of synonyms which can be used to refer to this item.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Unique key for this item.
"action": [ # Each AP has list of actions, each could be an one-shot action, or a
# multiturn conversation.
{ # Action is an instance for a single-shot action or a multi-turn action.
"initialTrigger": { # Trigger indicates whether it's initial trigger or follow-on trigger. # Trigger phrases to activate developer's backend when user is not in any
# dialog, e.g., [OK Google, book a cab].
"intent": "A String", # Intent captured by the grammar match, e.g., BOOK_A_CAB.
"example": [ # List of trigger query pattern.
{ # Example captures an instance of annotated query example.
"queryPattern": "A String", # Grammar pattern developer requests, in the form of [token|Type:name]+ such
# as "book a cab to $SchemaOrg_Location:destination".
"language": "A String",
"description": "A String", # Describes what the action is doing.
"signInRequired": True or False, # Indicates whether to require user to sign-in before using the feature. This
# is set to true by default for APs requiring account linking such as Uber.
"inDialogTrigger": [ # Trigger phrases used to match user's queries only when user is in the
# middle of a dialog, e.g., [take me to $SchemaOrg_Location:dest].
{ # Trigger indicates whether it's initial trigger or follow-on trigger.
"intent": "A String", # Intent captured by the grammar match, e.g., BOOK_A_CAB.
"example": [ # List of trigger query pattern.
{ # Example captures an instance of annotated query example.
"queryPattern": "A String", # Grammar pattern developer requests, in the form of [token|Type:name]+ such
# as "book a cab to $SchemaOrg_Location:destination".
"execution": { # Execution indicates how to execute the Action, as of Nov 2016, only HTTP is # Indicates the cloud endpoint which manages the actual dialog.
# allowed.
"httpMethod": "A String", # The HTTP method to execute the HTTP endpoint.
"url": "A String", # Cloud endpoint, could be Google Cloud Function or self-hosting endpoint.
"createTime": "A String", # The timestamp when the submission is made.
"submissionStatus": "A String", # The latest status of this submission.
"submissionId": "A String", # Unique ID assigned by Google after an action package is submitted.



Google Actions
Google Actions

Published in Google Actions

Discussing voice and conversation actions for virtual assistance.

Google Assistant Developer
Google Assistant Developer

Written by Google Assistant Developer

Discussing Google Actions and Virtual Assistants

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