7 gcloud Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know

Grant Timmerman
Google Cloud - Community
2 min readJun 24, 2020


The Cloud SDK includes a set of tools and libraries for interacting with Google Cloud products and services, with the gcloud CLI tool being the primary command.

Here are a few commands/tricks that I use frequently:

1. Prevent Prompts. Set Defaults.

Setting default configurations for your gcloud CLI prevents the Y/n prompt:

gcloud config set compute/region us-west1
gcloud config set run/platform managed

See your existing configs with gcloud config list or see all configs 📄.

2. Getting / Change Project IDs

When using gcloud, most commands make API requests using the currently configured project. Some commands require the project name in the command arguments.

I like to keep the current project in an environment variable like such:

Then using the name in a command is easy. For example:

gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/$PROJECT/helloworld

3. See if Billing is Enabled

Many Cloud services require billing to be enabled before using them.

Quickly check if your current project in gcloud has billing enabled:

4. Authenticated Test Cloud Run

A Cloud Run service that wasn’t deployed with --allow-unauthenticated is not accessible with unauthorized requests. A quick way to test a service is to add a HTTP authorization bearer token with the help of gcloud:


Sometimes an API requires a project number, but you only have a project id. With a bit of gcloud fu, you can get one value from the other:

ID to Number

Requires PROJECT_ID to be set.

Number to ID

Requires PROJECT_NUMBER to be set.

6. View Raw HTTP requests

Every gcloud command that calls a service uses a Google API. It’s easy to see exactly which API(s) we’re calling by logging the raw HTTP request.

Here’s an example:

You’ll get a response like this:

7. Interactive Mode

The Cloud SDK has an interactive CLI mode that is a great tool for learning and authoring lightweight commands. This mode shows typeahead autocompletion as well as in-terminal documentation.

Just type gcloud alpha interactive to start.

A preview of the Cloud SDK interactive mode.

That’s “7 gcloud Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know”. You probably did know some, but I hope you learned a new trick or two!

– Grant

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