Access Cloud Run with Internal Only Ingress Setting from Shared VPC

Murli Krishnan
Google Cloud - Community
6 min readFeb 1, 2023

In this article, we will be discussing the ways to access cloud run service with internal only ingress setting from resources on shared VPC

Lets walkthrough setup below to understand the network and cloud run settings

Project Setup

Lets start with the cloud run service.

The cloud run deployed is a very basic application that returns the request data as response appended with text snippet as below

import os
from flask import Flask
from flask import request

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def parse_request():
request_json = request.get_json()
data = request_json["data"]
return (f"The data provided is {data}", 200)

if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=int(os.environ.get("PORT", 8080)))

The above is deployed as a cloud run service with Ingress control as Internal.

gcloud run deploy cloud-run-app  \
--image<redacted>/cloud_run_app \
--ingress internal \
--platform managed \
--port 8080 \
--service-account cloud-run-svc@<redacted> \
--no-allow-unauthenticated \
--region northamerica-northeast1

What is Ingress Only Setting on cloud run and why it is important ?

Cloud Run as we know is a serverless product and once a service is deployed, it generates url which can be reached via internet by default.

Cloud Run App URL

Cloud run provides capability to restrict the traffic to cloud run url using internal only setting as below.

Ingress Control setting for cloud run

This setting is the most restrictive setting that blocks access from all outside sources.

We will test the connectivity to cloud run from 3 different sources.

  1. External Source

First, lets try from cloud shell which is external to cloud run.

External traffic to Cloud Run
Access Forbidden from external source

The result was as expected, all the internet based sources are blocked from accessing cloud run.

2. Resource on service project’s network

Lets test the connectivity from cloud VM instance in the service project’s network.

Internal traffic from service project’s network

For this, we have setup a cloud VM instance in the service project’s network as below

Compute Instance in Service Project’s network

When we do a simple curl from the VM instance on service project network, we are able to get the response from cloud run.

Internal traffic from service project.

This clearly shows the VM instance in service project’s network is able to access the cloud run.

3. Resource on shared VPC

Lets test the connectivity from cloud VM instance in the shared VPC of host project.

VM instance on Shared VPC
Access Forbidden

We can see the access from the shared VPC — compute VM is not allowed to the cloud run service.

Below is the summary of above tests performed

Access from different resources to cloud run with internal only ingress.

The most common networking pattern is to have a shared VPC in the host project and share the subnets with the service project.

However the resources on the shared subnet are not able to communicate with cloud run

Now lets take a look at what options are available to allow communication between shared VPC resource and cloud run with ingress — internal only setting.

Option 1: Setup a Organizational VPC perimeter

Add both the service project and host project as part of same VPC perimeter

Organizational VPC perimeter.

The VPC perimeter includes both the host and service project and cloud run is added as restricted API.

Ingress policy is configured for allowing the communication from the host project to the service project.

Now, when we test the connectivity, we are able to reach the cloud run api

Cloud Run API accessible.

The solution works however, organizations can only have one access policy at the organizational level. This poses some restrictions with respect to flexibility in policies.

This requires careful deliberation and planning of the ingress/egress policies.

Lets explore another option which works in a similar way — Scoped Access Policy

Option 2 — Setup a Scoped Access Policy

Here we start by creating a access policy with the service project added to the scope

Scoped Access Policy

Next we setup a perimeter and ingress policy similar to the above option with the project’s scoped policy.

Scoped Access Policy

Now, when the connectivity is tested, we are able to connect to cloud run.

The scoped access policy does provide flexibility as compared to Org level perimeter but requires careful setup of ingress and egress policies.

As seen above, both the options are more of strategic measures which requires good understanding of organizational setup.

Lets explore the third option — setup a internal load balancer

Option 3 — Internal Load Balancer

Internal Load Balancer Setup

Let’s start with Internal load balancer setup in the service project as below

Internal Load Balancer

We can see the internal load balancer is exposed at the internal IP address (front end) as above.

Lets try to hit the load balancer IP address and check the response

As we can see, the compute VM instance on the shared VPC is able to communicate with the cloud run via the Internal load balancer.

Now lets setup a simple private DNS Zone configuration on the shared VPC for avoiding the usage of IP address as below. Typically here any host names can be provided as resolution will be internal.

For the purposes of demo, is setup with a A record pointing to the internal load balancer IP.

Private DNS Zone
Routing to Internal Load Balancer Frontend IP

Now we can hit the url as below instead of the IP address.

Depending on the requirements, one of the above 3 options can be chosen to setup the communication from resources in shared VPC to the cloud run in service project

Please connect with me on for any queries.

Happy Learning !!

