Adding HTTP around Wasm with Wagi

Mete Atamel
Google Cloud - Community
4 min readJul 18, 2023


In my previous posts, I talked about how you can run WebAssembly (Wasm) outside the browser with Wasi and run it in a Docker container with runwasi. The Wasi specification allows Wasm modules access to things like the filesystem and environment variables (and I showed how in this blog post) but networking and threading are not implemented yet. This is severely limiting if you want to run HTTP based microservices on Wasm for example.

There are projects like Wagi and more recently Wasix that try to add some networking support around Wasi modules (and frameworks like Spin that use Wagi under the covers). In this post, let’s deep dive into Wagi and see how it helps to add HTTP support around your Wasm+Wasi modules.

WebAssembly Gateway Interface (Wagi)

Wagi is an implementation of the well-established CGI spec ( RFC 3875) for Wasm+Wasi modules and it allows you to map HTTP paths to Wasm modules.

In Wagi, you write a command line application that prints a few headers required by the spec and compile it to Wasm+Wasi. Then, you add an entry to a modules.toml file matching a URL path to the Wasm module. Wagi takes care of routing HTTP requests in and out of your Wasm module. The important point is that the Wasm module does not need network access while using Wagi.

Headers are placed in environment variables. Query parameters, when present, are sent in as command line options. Incoming HTTP payloads are sent in via STDIN and the response is simply written to STDOUT.

Let’s walk through an example of running Wasm+Wasi modules as HTTP handlers using Wagi.

Install Wagi

To start, we need to install Wagi.

  1. Go to the Wagi releases page on GitHub.
  2. Download the latest release package suitable for your system. For example, if you are using macOS on an AMD64 machine, download wagi-v0.8.1-macos-amd64.tar.gz.
  3. Extract and move the Wagi binary:
tar -zxf wagi-v0.8.1-macos-amd64.tar.gz 
sudo mv ./wagi /usr/local/bin/wagi

Wagi is now installed on your system.

Create a .NET Wasm module

For the first Wasm module, let’s create a simple .NET console application.

Open your terminal and create a new .NET console application:

dotnet new console -n HelloWagi

Add Wasi.Sdk package so we can compile the app to Wasm:

cd HelloWagi 
dotnet add package Wasi.Sdk --prerelease

Change Program.cs to the following:

Console.WriteLine("Content-Type: text/plain");
Console.WriteLine("Status: 200");
Console.WriteLine("Hello WAGI from C#!");

// Headers are placed in environment variables
var envVars = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
Console.WriteLine($"### Environment variables: {envVars.Keys.Count} ###");
foreach (var variable in envVars.Keys)
Console.WriteLine($"{variable} = {envVars[variable]}");

It’s a simple console application that prints content type and status headers. It also prints environment variables to show how HTTP headers are passed in as environment variables.

Build to Wasm:

dotnet build 

HelloWagi -> /Users/atamel/dev/github/meteatamel/wasm-basics/samples/hello-wagi/HelloWagi/bin/Debug/net8.0/HelloWagi.wasm

The .NET app is ready for Wagi.

Create a Go Wasm module

For the second application, let’s use Go. Create a hello-wagi.go file to print the following:

package main

import (

func main() {

fmt.Println("Content-Type: text/plain")
fmt.Println("Status: 200")
fmt.Println("Hello WAGI from Go!")

// Headers are placed in environment variables
envVars := os.Environ()
fmt.Printf("### Environment variables: %d ###\n", len(envVars))
for _, envVar := range envVars {

// Query parameters are sent in as command line options
args := os.Args[1:]
fmt.Printf("### Query parameters: %d ###\n", len(args))
for _, arg := range args {
fmt.Printf("Argument=%s\n", arg)

// Incoming HTTP payloads are sent in via STDIN
fmt.Println("### HTTP payload ###")
payload, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error reading payload:", err)

Notice how the Go app is again printing the content type and status headers. It also prints environment variables, command line options and STDIN to show how headers, query parameters, and incoming HTTP payloads are passed in via Wagi.

Build to Wasm:

tinygo build -target=wasi hello-wagi.go

We’re now ready to run these two Wasm modules with Wagi.

Run as HTTP handlers with Wagi

To run these Wasm modules as HTTP handlers with Wagi, create a modules.toml file that maps paths to Wasm modules:

route = "/csharp"
module = "HelloWagi/bin/Debug/net8.0/HelloWagi.wasm"

route = "/go"
module = "hello-wagi.wasm"

Run as a Wagi module:

wagi -c modules.toml 

Ready: serving on

In a separate terminal, you can use curl to reach different paths that invoke the right module:

curl http://localhost:3000/csharp

Hello WAGI from C#!
### Environment variables: 23 ###

curl -X POST\?arg1=value1 -d 'Hello World'

Hello WAGI from Go!
### Environment variables: 24 ###
### Query parameters: 1 ###
### HTTP payload ###
Hello World

As Wasi catches up with networking and threading support, Wagi provides a way to map HTTP paths to Wasm modules without networking support in the Wasm module.

I should also mention that Wasix recently burst onto the scene, positioning itself as the superset of Wasi. It shows great potential for full threading and networking support for Wasm applications but it’s only supported on Wasmer runtime right now and the language support is very limited.

Wasix is probably a topic for another future blog post. Until then, feel free to check out my previous blog posts and GitHub repo on Wasm and reach out to me on Twitter @ meteatamel for feedback and questions:

Originally published at



Mete Atamel
Google Cloud - Community

I'm a Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, helping developers with serverless and orchestration technologies