AI Assisted Red Teaming — An efficient approach

Imran Roshan
Google Cloud - Community
7 min read12 hours ago

Discovering AI capabilities in security testing

Traditional security assessments frequently fall short in the current threat scenario. Attackers are always coming up with new ways to exploit weaknesses and using advanced tactics. Organizations must take a proactive stance in order to stay ahead of the curve; enter red teaming.

Red teaming is really beneficial, but it can also take a lot of time and resources. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help with this. AI-assisted red teaming dramatically improves the speed and efficacy of red team engagements by using machine learning algorithms to automate repetitive activities, find possible attack pathways, and prioritize targets.

This blog explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to provide red teaming for a web application running on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Why AI???

  • Enhanced Threat Detection: Artificial intelligence (AI) is able to detect abnormalities and questionable patterns of behavior by analyzing enormous volumes of security data, such as network traffic, logs, and user activity. Red teams can use this information to find hidden threats and focus their efforts on the most important vulnerabilities.
  • Increased Efficiency: Red team members can concentrate on more difficult tasks like social engineering and exploitation by automating repetitive processes like vulnerability scanning and credential enumeration. The amount of time and resources needed for red teaming engagements is greatly decreased as a result.
  • Greater Coverage of the Attack Surface: Artificial intelligence is capable of examining the whole GCP environment, including web apps, compute instances, and cloud storage buckets, in order to find possible points of attack that human testing could overlook.
  • Evolve: AI models can be continuously educated on the most recent threat intelligence and exploit data through a process known as continuous learning and adaptation. By doing this, you can make sure that your red team is constantly prepared to counter new attack methods.

How do we proceed?

  • Define Scope: Identify the GCP application and its components (e.g., Cloud Functions, Cloud Storage buckets).Determine the attack goals (e.g., data exfiltration, privilege escalation).
  • Set up GCP Project: Create a separate GCP project for red teaming activities to isolate potential damage.
  • Identify Tools: Utilize a combination of GCP security services and open-source tools. Here are some options:

— GCP tools: Cloud Armor, Cloud Security Command Center (SCC), Cloud Monitoring.

— Open-source tools: OWASP ZAP, Metasploit

Building our approach (Responsibly)

Below are the steps taken to lead to the

Modeling Threats and Creating Scenarios

  1. Human-in-the-Loop Design: Throughout the process, use human expertise to direct scenario development, threat modeling, and overall decision-making.
  2. Adversarial Thinking: To find possible weak points and attack routes, use strategies such as STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial-of-Service, Elevation of Privilege).
  3. Scenario creation: Develop a variety of plausible scenarios that cover various attack vectors (such as social engineering, physical assaults, and cyberattacks) and targets (such as infrastructure, systems, and data).
  4. Constant Improvement: Adapt threat models and scenarios to real-world security updates and red teaming results.

AI-Powered Investigation and Analysis

  1. Vulnerability Assessment Tools: Prioritize significant findings for red teaming efforts by integrating tools such as OpenVAS or Nessus to scan systems for known vulnerabilities.
  2. Threat Detection and Analysis: To find possible threats in network traffic, logs, or visual data (for physical security), use the GCP AI Platform services AutoML Vision and Cloud IDS.
  3. Wargaming and simulations: For controlled simulations, take into account programs like Packet Storm or Calibre, but proceed with caution to prevent unforeseen repercussions. Pay attention to methods that don’t entail infecting computers with malware or taking advantage of holes in live systems.
  4. Explainability and Transparency: Make sure the AI models being utilized can be understood, and that human specialists have examined and verified their results.

Reporting and Useful Information

  1. Detailed Reports: Produce reports detailing the red teaming exercise, including conclusions, suggestions, and knowledge gained.
  2. Actionable Recommendations: Sort suggestions according to severity and exploitability, emphasizing doable actions to lessen hazards that have been discovered.
  3. Constant Monitoring: To spot new risks and confirm that the measures in place are working, set up constant monitoring and detection systems.

Responsible AI

  1. Accountability and Transparency: Ensure that there are unambiguous chains of command for the creation, implementation, and utilization of the AI-assisted red teaming tool.
  2. Fairness and Non-Discrimination: Verify that the threat evaluations made by the AI models are not influenced by prejudice or discrimination.
  3. Safety and Security: Put in place measures to stop malevolent actors from abusing the application or its outputs.
  4. Privacy and Data Protection: When gathering, storing, and processing data for red teaming, follow applicable data privacy laws and best practices.
  5. Human Oversight: Preserve human authority over the application’s choices and procedures.
import os

# Threat Modeling and Scenario Creation (Human-driven)
def create_threat_model(target_system):
# Threat identification, prioritization, scenario development
threat_model = {
"vulnerabilities": [],
"attack_vectors": [],
"scenarios": []
# ... (Human expert interaction)
return threat_model

def create_scenario(threat_model, scenario_name):
# Specific scenario details based on threat model
scenario = {
"name": scenario_name,
"attack_type": "",
"target": "",
"procedures": []
# ... (Human expert interaction)
return scenario

# Vulnerability Assessment (External Tools)
def scan_for_vulnerabilities(target_system):
# Integrate with OpenVAS, Nessus, etc. (Not shown for security reasons)
vulnerability_report = os.popen(f"openvas -v {target_system}").read()
return vulnerability_report

# Threat Detection and Analysis (Consider GCP AI Platform services with caution)
def analyze_threats(data):
# Placeholder for potential AI-powered analysis (e.g., anomaly detection)
# Emphasize responsible AI practices (explainability, human review)
threat_analysis = "Threat analysis results (placeholder)"
return threat_analysis

# Reporting and Actionable Insights
def generate_report(threat_model, findings):
# Combine threat model, scan results, analysis, recommendations
report = {
"threat_model": threat_model,
"vulnerability_report": scan_for_vulnerabilities(target_system),
"threat_analysis": analyze_threats(data),
"findings": findings,
"recommendations": [] # Prioritized based on severity, exploitability
# ... (Human expert review and report generation)
return report

Similarly for a simple example of CSRF detection we shall have something like:

import os

# Threat Modeling and Scenario Creation (Human-driven)
def create_threat_model(web_app_url):
# Threat identification, prioritization, focusing on CSRF
threat_model = {
"vulnerabilities": ["CSRF"], # Placeholder for identified vulnerabilities
"attack_vectors": ["Form forging", "Hidden links"],
"scenarios": []
# ... (Human expert interaction)
return threat_model

def create_scenario(threat_model, scenario_name):
# Specific CSRF scenario details
scenario = {
"name": scenario_name,
"attack_type": "CSRF",
"target": "Specific web page or functionality",
"procedures": [] # Steps to execute the CSRF attack (manual testing)
# ... (Human expert interaction)
return scenario

# External Vulnerability Scanning (Not using Vertex AI due to safety concerns)
def scan_for_csrf(web_app_url):
# Integrate with Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, etc. (Not shown for security reasons)
# Emphasize manual testing or controlled environments for CSRF detection.
vulnerability_report = os.popen(f"zap-cli -p {web_app_url} csrf").read()
# Focus on CSRF-related findings in the report
return vulnerability_report

# Reporting and Actionable Insights
def generate_report(threat_model, findings):
# Combine threat model, scan results, recommendations
report = {
"threat_model": threat_model,
"vulnerability_report": scan_for_csrf(web_app_url),
"findings": findings, # Prioritize identified CSRF vulnerabilities
"recommendations": [
"Implement CSRF tokens",
"Use HttpOnly and Secure flags for cookies",
"Validate user input to prevent malicious requests",
"Sanitize and escape user-provided data"
# ... (Human expert review and report generation)
return report

# Main Function (Placeholder for human-driven execution)
def main():
web_app_url = input("Enter the web application URL: ")
threat_model = create_threat_model(web_app_url)
create_scenario(threat_model, "CSRF Attack Scenario")
findings = scan_for_csrf(web_app_url)
report = generate

Adding the AI touch to the above

import os
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Threat Modeling and Scenario Creation
# ... (Same as previous code)

# AI-Powered Analysis and Exploration (Limited Scope)
def load_csrf_data(data_path):
"""Loads and preprocesses CSRF data from a CSV file."""
data = pd.read_csv(data_path) # Assuming pandas is installed
X = data.drop("label", axis=1) # Features
y = data["label"] # Labels (CSRF or benign)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

def train_csrf_model(X_train, y_train):
"""Trains a machine learning model to detect CSRF requests."""
model = RandomForestClassifier(), y_train)
return model

def analyze_for_csrf(web_app_url, code_content=None, model=None):
"""Analyzes web requests and code (if permitted) for potential CSRF vulnerabilities."""
findings = [] # Placeholder for AI-identified potential CSRF vulnerabilities

# Train model if not provided
if not model:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = load_csrf_data("csrf_dataset.csv") # Placeholder data path
model = train_csrf_model(X_train, y_train)

# Analyze code using NLP (if permitted and code provided)
if code_content:
# Code for text extraction and NLP analysis (not shown due to safety concerns)
# This would involve techniques like using libraries like BeautifulSoup
# to extract relevant text and training an NLP model to identify CSRF patterns.
# findings.extend(analyze_code_for_csrf(code_content))

# Analyze web request data using trained model (if available, not shown)
# This would involve capturing and analyzing web requests to the target URL.

return findings

Now, you might be happy to see the human review for all of the codes and that is where AI would not take your job (UNLESS?)

To Conclude

Red teaming is a continuous endeavor. Red teaming will continue to benefit from AI technology’s improving integration as it develops. Effective vulnerability detection and mitigation require being up to date on security best practices and AI breakthroughs. Recall that while AI is a useful tool, human judgment ultimately directs the red teaming process and secures applications.

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Imran Roshan
Google Cloud - Community

Your security sherpa | Google Developer Expert (GCP) | Ethical Hacker | Cloud Security