All Google Cloud Platform Product Icons on one Adobe Illustrator page

Davey Edwards
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readJan 25, 2018

UPDATE: March 20, 2018

  • I re uploaded the all in one with the new Google Cloud Logo
  • I added a copy of all the old shirt designs .ai files + pngs for you to use

If you have ever have tried to make something with multiple GCP Icons in a project (image/video) you will know the frustration of having to go into all the individual GCP icons folders to find the one you are looking for. To solve this I put all the icons (svgs) on a single page and tried to copy all the descriptions from that popular GCP Product summary

Heres the link to Google Drive folder containing the .ai file + Googles Product Sans font (so your text displaying doesn’t break) + some t-shirt designs I made for the Vancouver Google Developer Group

Here is some screen shots of the tshirts I came up with using all the icons. You can make your own using the resources I provided or if you want one now I added them to Redbubble for a quick easy purchase (btw I was very surprised at how easy it was to upload/setup billing/purchase shirts of them)

I also just put up my Google Cloud Platform design on TeeSpring (testing this site so let me know if you want more of these on there)


ps. Google if this isn’t cool let me know and I will take it down



Davey Edwards
Google Cloud - Community

Interests: [React,Apollo,GraphQL,GCP],Productivity, Futurology, Health, Universe, Mindfulness, History, organization, photo/video creation+editing