All you need to know about Google Cloud Storage Options — 5 min read

Color Orange
Google Cloud - Community
2 min readApr 12, 2020

Here is a super quick concentrated read for GCP Different Storage Options

What are the different type of data we need to store ?

  1. Structured Data [ Name, Phone number etc which can be categorized and related ]
  2. Un-structured Data [ Photo, Video, Static Files like pdf, docx etc ]

For Structured Data there are different databases available

  1. Google Cloud SQL : This is fully managed service and offer MySQL, Postgresql and MS SQL Server. In short its a relational database service
  2. Cloud Spanner : Horizontal scaling capability with and this is fully managed, relational database service for regional and global application data.
  3. Cloud Bigtable : NoSQL wide-column database for storing big data with low latency.
  4. Firestore : NoSQL document database for mobile and web application data.
  5. Firestore Realtime Database : NoSQL cloud database for storing and syncing data in real time.
  6. Memory Store : In-memory data store service for Redis & Memcache for fast data processing.
  7. BigQuery : A fully managed serverless Enterprise grade data warehouse. It a petabyte scale data warehouse. It has built in capabilities of Machine Learning and GIS.

For Un-structured Data there are different options available

  1. Cloud Storage : This is an object storage. You can store you static content here. Suitable for storing images, videos, files etc. Different storage classes available for different use case like “Standard Class” for hot storage “Nearline Class” for infrequent storage “Coldline” for archival or DR purpose. On top of this you can also define retention policy, versioning, access and life cycle policies.
Storage Classes Explanation

2. Block storage : Persistent disk and Local SSD disk are available which can be attached to any compute engine instance for general purpose storage requirement.

Apart from this there are many other options are available but here we have discussed all most popular and highly in-demand storage options.

Reference architecture for Realtime Inventory System

That’s it. Let me know if you like this quick read, I can start publishing such articles often then.

