alpine, distroless or scratch?

Mathieu Benoit
Google Cloud - Community
5 min readMay 6, 2024

I recently migrated the 4 Golang apps of the Online Boutique sample apps from alpine to scratch and its .NET app from alpine to chiseled. Here are some the things I have learned while doing that.

alpine is a very popular container image to decrease the size of the container images for our own containerized applications as well as for improving our security posture (less surface of attack and less CVEs).

But that’s not enough, alpine still contains packages with vulnerabilities and still have busybox and wget in it, which is not very secure for containerized applications in Production.

Could we do more and better than alpine? Yup! distroless can help.

“Distroless” images contain only your application and its runtime dependencies. They do not contain package managers, shells or any other programs you would expect to find in a standard Linux distribution.

Could we do even more and better than distroless? Yup! scratch can help.

“Scratch” image is most useful in the context of building base images (such as debian and busybox) or super minimal images.

Let’s see the differences between the three of them.

I’m taking Kelsey Hightower’s helloworld app for this, using scratch, but we will perform our tests with alpine and distroless too:

FROM golang:1.22
WORKDIR /go/src/
COPY . .
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build .

# FROM alpine
FROM scratch
COPY --from=0 /go/src/ .
ENTRYPOINT ["/helloworld"]


After building the different variations of the container image, let’s now compare the sizes:

REPOSITORY   TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
helloworld alpine 2c2991efd7cd 7 minutes ago 14.4MB
helloworld distroless 08308f5bc54d 16 minutes ago 9.03MB
helloworld chainguard eaa8a9d18fef 8 seconds ago 7.79MB
helloworld scratch 287ad0140c46 32 minutes ago 7.04MB

They are all very light and small. The alpine one is bigger, twice the size of the scratch one, coming with more packages.

Even if this blog post Image sizes miss the point explains the why we shouldn’t focus only on the size. Having smaller container images is often a good sign for less complexity and more security.

To reduce debt, reduce image complexity not size.


Let’s compare the packages included in these container images once built. Let’s use syft for that.

alpine (17 packages):

NAME                    VERSION               TYPE        
alpine-baselayout 3.4.3-r2 apk
alpine-baselayout-data 3.4.3-r2 apk
alpine-keys 2.4-r1 apk
apk-tools 2.14.0-r5 apk
busybox 1.36.1-r15 apk
busybox-binsh 1.36.1-r15 apk
ca-certificates-bundle 20230506-r0 apk
helloworld (devel) go-module
libc-utils 0.7.2-r5 apk
libcrypto3 3.1.4-r5 apk
libssl3 3.1.4-r5 apk
musl 1.2.4_git20230717-r4 apk
musl-utils 1.2.4_git20230717-r4 apk
scanelf 1.3.7-r2 apk
ssl_client 1.36.1-r15 apk
stdlib go1.22.2 go-module
zlib 1.3.1-r0 apk

distroless (5 packages):

NAME        VERSION          TYPE        
base-files 12.4+deb12u5 deb
helloworld (devel) go-module
netbase 6.4 deb
stdlib go1.22.2 go-module
tzdata 2024a-0+deb12u1 deb

chainguard (7 packages):

NAME                    VERSION                  TYPE        
alpine-baselayout-data 3.6.4-r0 apk
alpine-keys 2.4-r1 apk
alpine-release 3.20.0_alpha20240329-r0 apk
ca-certificates-bundle 20240226-r0 apk
helloworld (devel) go-module
stdlib go1.22.2 go-module
tzdata 2024a-r1 apk

scratch (2 packages):

NAME        VERSION   TYPE        
helloworld (devel) go-module
stdlib go1.22.2 go-module

We could now use them wisely, depending on our needs and which programming languages we are using. Really cool and important to know what exactly is in there, right?


If you decrease the number of unneeded dependencies and packages, you will reduce your time in maintenance and the associated CVEs updates fatigue.

If we use a tool like trivy , we could see that only alpine has CVEs when I wrote this blog post:

helloworld:alpine (alpine 3.19.1)
Total: 2 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 2, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

│ Library │ Vulnerability │ Severity │ Status │ Installed Version │ Fixed Version │ Title │
│ libcrypto3 │ CVE-2024-2511 │ LOW │ fixed │ 3.1.4-r5 │ 3.1.4-r6 │ openssl: Unbounded memory growth with session handling in │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ TLSv1.3 │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
├────────────┤ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ libssl3 │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

LOW in this example but still. You will still have to deal with the CVEs of the packages of your own app, so removing the ones from the base image, is always a great win.

More security

Running all of them as unprivileged is no problem with this following command, they all work successfully:

docker run \
-d \
-p 8080:8080 \
--read-only \
--cap-drop=ALL \
--user=65532 \

If you want to make your container as non-root by default you can use the image tag and add a WORKDIR / instruction in the last part of the Dockerfile.

Also, the only container image where you can do docker exec or kubectl exec is the alpine one. All the others won’t allow this as they don’t have any shell. On a security standpoint, that’s a really good practice to not have a shell to improve your security posture (again, reducing the surface of attack). Great!

That’s a wrap!

If you have Golang or Rust apps (as mostly-statically compiled), use scratch. If you need ca-certificates or tzdata for examples, go with or

That’s what the Kubernetes project has been doing for 4 years already.

If you need libc you can use or (with libssl).

There are also more container images for other types of apps in Java, .NET, Python, etc.

There are also more initiative around distroless :

Also, for external containers you deploy in your own clusters, ask for a distroless flavor. For example, if you use Jib, it’s now using distroless by default. For Istio you can optionally use distroless for the Istio sidecar proxies.

Going distroless remove the ability to debug into your container (no shell, no package manager, no wget/ curl). But at the end of the day, going in debug mode in Production is not a good practice (because you also give more tools to potential hackers). You can use the :debug tag for the static, base and language specific container images if you want. Alternatively, you can also use features like kubernetes debug or initContainers instead and if required.



Mathieu Benoit
Google Cloud - Community

Customer Success Engineer at Humanitec | CNCF Ambassador | GDE Cloud