Background Change with Imagen on Vertex AI : A Step-by-Step Guide

aakash gouda
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readOct 30, 2023

Imagen on Vertex AI brings Google’s state of the art generative AI capabilities to application developers. With Imagen on Vertex AI, application developers can build next-generation AI products that transform their user’s imagination into high quality visual assets, in seconds.

There are two options for editing images :

Mask free editing — Lets you edit an image without a mask (specific area).

Mask-based editing — Lets you specify a targeted area to apply edits to. This method of editing is good for edits that apply to only parts of an image.

In this article we see how can we do Mask-based editing using python API.

Background changing involved following steps :

  • Removing existing background
  • Creating a mask and inverted mask image
  • Encoding Image to string
  • Creating Request payload

Removing existing background :

We use rembg for removing the background, you can explore other options for doing the same.

Rembg provides simple python code for background removal:

output = remove(input_image_path)
Input : Original Image
Output : Background removed

Creating a mask and inverted mask image

We use rembg for extracting the mask, we provide the output from previous step as the input :

output = remove(img, only_mask =True)
Input : Background removed image
Output : Masked Image

We use open cv to create inverted mask

mask_image = cv2.imread(masked_image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
inverted_mask = np.bitwise_not(mask_image)
Input : Masked Image
Output : Inverted Masked Image

Encoding Image to string

To make image generation requests you must send image data as Base64 encoded text.

encoded_inp_img = base64.b64encode(“utf-8”)

Creating Request payload

Payload consists of

  • Prompt : Description of background you want to generate
  • Image : Here we specify the path to the image with the extracted background.
  • Mask : inverted mask image
  • sampleCount : Number of images to be generated
  • MODE : backgroundEditing

We use the requests module to call imagen APIs

response =, json=request_payload, headers=headers)

The output response consists of bytesBase64Encoded text which is then converted into image and saved on disk.

img_bytes = base64.b64decode(image_data[“bytesBase64Encoded”])
img ="{}_pic.png".format(idx))

Sample prompts :

Prompt : A garden with lush green grass

Prompt : Snow on the ground

Prompt : beach with clear skies and blue water

Link to full code.


Thanks for reading.

Your feedback and questions are highly appreciated. You can connect with me via LinkedIn.

