BigQuery QUALIFY Clause: Towards Cleaner SQL Queries

Matteo Bennio
Google Cloud - Community
5 min read5 days ago
Neon lamp with the word ‘QUALIFY’ glowing on a wall, created using Midjourney.
Illustration for the article created using Midjourney

I’ve been using the QUALIFY clause for a while now, and all I can say is that I love it for its simplicity and how it can prettify SQL code. It’s one of those SQL statements that I believe is a significant step toward more advanced query writing. As someone who always strives to optimize and clean my code, I’ve found that using QUALIFY not only makes your code shorter but also more readable and understandable.

Besides good commenting practices and the right structuring of your query, QUALIFY helps ensure that your code remains clear and maintainable. For me, the QUALIFY clause has firmly qualified itself into my repertoire of favorite SQL expressions:)

Note: QUALIFYis not only available in Google’s BigQuery but also in other SQL dialects and tools like Snowflake, Databricks, DuckDB, and more. Each platform has its own version, making QUALIFY a versatile and valuable tool for any data professional.

Understanding the QUALIFY Clause

If you are here, you are probably familiar with window, also known as analytic functions. We won’t delve deep into that topic now, but essentially, QUALIFY is used to filter your data based on the results of window functions.

In other words, it is to window functions what HAVINGis to GROUP BYand WHERE is to FROM.

Database and filter cons representing SQL filtering tools: WHERE, HAVING, and QUALIFY
SQL filtering tools: WHERE, HAVING, and QUALIFY

These are all tools to filter your data based on specific criteria. To give you a clearer picture, here are descriptions from the BigQuery documentation for these clauses:

The WHERE clause filters the results of the FROM clause.
The HAVING clause filters the results produced by GROUP BY or aggregation.
The QUALIFY clause filters the results of window functions.

Thus, QUALIFY adds another layer to the filtering process.

Usage of the QUALIFY Clause

To effectively use the QUALIFY clause, it’s essential to understand its place within the overall structure of a SQL query in BigQuery. Here’s the order in which the different clauses should be used:

Screenshot from BigQuery documentation showing the order of SQL commands.
SQL command sequence from BigQuery documentation

This syntax structure, taken directly from the BigQuery documentation, shows where the QUALIFY clause fits in the sequence. You can see that QUALIFY comes after HAVING and before the WINDOW clause, highlighting its role in filtering the results of window functions.

Here’s a simplified pseudocode example to demonstrate the general usage of the QUALIFY clause:

some_window_function() OVER (PARTITION BY first_column ORDER BY second_column) AS window_result

Practical Use Case | Example

To illustrate the concept of the QUALIFY clause, let’s use an engaging example involving our old friends, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT)🐢. Imagine we have a dataset that tracks their interactions on a pizza delivery platform, where they can view and purchase different types of pizzas 🍕.

Let’s say we want to determine the first pizza page each turtle visited on the platform. There are several ways to achieve this.

                                Source table

| ninja | event_timestamp | action | pizza_name |
| Leonardo | 2024-06-01 10:00:00.000000 UTC | item_viewed | Margherita |
| Michelangelo | 2024-06-01 10:05:00.000000 UTC | item_viewed | Pepperoni |
| Leonardo | 2024-06-01 10:10:00.000000 UTC | item_viewed | Pepperoni |
| Michelangelo | 2024-06-01 10:15:00.000000 UTC | item_viewed | Margherita |
| Leonardo | 2024-06-01 10:20:00.000000 UTC | purchased | Margherita |
| Michelangelo | 2024-06-01 10:25:00.000000 UTC | purchased | Margherita |

Expected result

| ninja | pizza_name | first_timestamp |
| Leonardo | Margherita | 2024-06-01 10:00:00.000000 UTC |
| Michelangelo | Pepperoni | 2024-06-01 10:05:00.000000 UTC |

Solution 1: Naive Approach

  1. Identify the earliest timestamp for each turtle (using GROUP BYand MIN())
  2. Use this minimum timestamp to find the corresponding pizza (using JOIN)
WITH first_interaction AS (
MIN(event_timestamp) AS first_timestamp
action = 'item_viewed'

pizza_events e
first_interaction f
ON = AND e.event_timestamp = f.first_timestamp
e.action = 'item_viewed';

Solution 2: A Better Alternative

  1. Assign a sequential number to each pizza view event in a CTE (using the ROW_NUMBER() window function)
  2. Select the first row in an other query (using WHERE)
WITH numbered_interactions AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ninja ORDER BY event_timestamp) AS row_num
action = 'item_viewed'

row_num = 1;

Solution 3: We’re Almost There

  1. Assign a sequential number to each pizza view event (using the ROW_NUMBER() window function).
  2. Filter to retain only the first row (using QUALIFY).
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ninja ORDER BY event_timestamp) AS row_num
action = 'item_viewed'
row_num = 1;

Solution 4: Here We Go

Similar to Solution 3, but the row number is used directly within the QUALIFY clause, avoiding its inclusion in the SELECT statement.

Code snippet showing the final version of SQL using the QUALIFY clause and inline window functions.
Optimized code using QUALIFY and inline window functions

If you want to explore this toy example further, you can find the full source as a gist here.

Performance considerations

We didn’t dive into the performance details of each query, but I encourage you to check it out yourself. Generally, using window function (as in Solution 4) is better than relying on GROUP BY and JOIN (like in Solution 1) because the execution is less complex.

High-level execution graph in BigQuery comparing Solution 1 with other solutions.
Execution graph comparison in BigQuery: Solution 1 vs. others

When comparing the three versions with QUALIFY (Solutions 2–4), you'll see that the execution graph is the same in BigQuery under the hood.

So, using QUALIFY is like adding some syntactic sugar to your SQL — and who doesn’t like a bit of sugar?


Using QUALIFY makes your SQL queries shorter and easier to read if you have to limit the output based on a window function result. It’s a small change that can make a big difference in your workflow. So next time you’re writing a query, give QUALIFY a try and see how it can simplify your code.



Matteo Bennio
Google Cloud - Community

Data Analyst at Pampers Messaging Team, specializing in BigQuery practices and data engineering.