Cloud Run and Secret Manager

Nick Brandaleone
Google Cloud - Community
4 min readJun 2, 2022


Cloud Run is an amazing product — a totally severless product, which launches and manages containers on your behalf. It handles scaling and concurrency, security and so on. It is probably most similar to Amazon’s Fargate product, but also overlaps with Lambda as well.

I was playing around with GCP Secret Manager, and I thought I would share how to leverage it while using Cloud Run. I also posted some good reference blog posts at the end.

The sample code uses Clojurescript. I am a big fan of functional programming, and Clojure in general. If you are not familiar with Clojure, it is a LISP derivative, that runs on top of the JVM. Clojurescript transpiles into Javascript, and therefore can take advantage of the enormous node packages availble to the community. Check out Shadow-CLJS, which makes for importing javascript libraries into Clojurescript a trivial process.

Hello, World

We will create a simple ExpressJS web server. It will read in a secret from secret manager. If that fails, it will look for an environmental variable called TARGET. If that fails, it will simply respond with Hello, World!.

Cloud Run allows for environmental variables to be passed into your running container. There is no direct integration with secret manager, so we must call it via API. Interestingly enough, Cloud Build, does allow for secrets to be injected as environmental variables. That simplify things, although it can be argued that environmental variables are dangerous tools when it comes to sensitive data; since they can be exposed via logs or memory dumps quite easily. Still, it you want something that requires very little coding, Cloud Build’s integration with Secret Manager is the way to go.

Deploy container

I built my container locally, and pushed it up into Google Container Registry. This was simple and effective, but I would look at Cloud Build as a CI/CD system for anything more advanced over a simple demo.

$ gcloud run deploy hello-secret --image --platform managed
Deploying container to Cloud Run service [hello-secret] in project [nicks-playground-3141] region [us-central1]
✓ Deploying... Done.
✓ Creating Revision...
✓ Routing traffic...
Service [hello-secret] revision [hello-secret-00010-qit] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
Service URL:
# Test against URL
$ curl
Hello, World!

Deploy with an environmental variable injected into the container

$ gcloud run deploy hello-secret --set-env-vars TARGET=GALAXY \
--image --platform managed
# Test aginst URL
$ curl
Hello, GALAXY!

Create secret

Let’s create a secret in secret-manager:

$ gcloud secrets create TARGET \
$ echo -n "Universe" | \
gcloud secrets versions add TARGET --data-file=-
# Verify the secret
$ gcloud secrets versions access 1 --secret="TARGET"

Update IAM permissions to read from Secret Manager

I did not do this the first time I tried it out, and it of course failed. You can create a new Service Account for your Cloud Run container, with appropriate permissions. Or, you can expand the capabilities of the default service account used by Cloud Run — which it what I did here. This is not considered best practices, since you do not want all your containers being allowed to read all the secrets. However, for this project, this was an acceptable choice.

$ gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding nicks-playground-3141 \
--member="" \

Restart service, and test

$ curl
Hello, Universe!


The GCP Logging Console is amazing, with powerful eye-candy. However, if you want to simply tail the logs since your program emits logs to STDOUT, you can execute the following command:

gcloud beta logging tail "resource.type=cloud_run_revision AND \
resource.labels.service_name=hello-secret AND \
severity>=DEFAULT" \


For those of you who want to look what Clojurescript code looks like, the repository is located on Github here.

(ns server.main
["@google-cloud/secret-manager" :as Secret]
["express" :as express]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]))

(defn get-word []
"determine the TARGET value, to follow 'hello' if secret-manager fails"
(let [t (get (env) "TARGET" "World")] t))

(defn secret-api []
"Calls GCP Secret Manager, using a JS promise
Use an atom to store state. Probably shouldn't, but it make things
a bit easier to test."
(let [client (Secret/SecretManagerServiceClient.)]
(-> (.accessSecretVersion client (clj->js {:name mysecret}))
(.then (fn [name]
(let [payload (first name)]
(reset! word (str (.. payload -payload -data)))))
(fn [] (do
(reset! word (get-word))
(log/debug "Secret Manager Promise rejected")))))))



Nick Brandaleone
Google Cloud - Community

I work for Google as a AppMod Customer Engineer, focusing on kubernetes and serverless products. However, any views expressed on this blog are solely mine.