Day #5 with Cloud Workflows: visualizing the structure of your workflow definition

Guillaume Laforge
Google Cloud - Community
1 min readDec 8, 2020

So far, in our Cloud Workflows series, we have seen some of the YAML syntax for defining workflows. However, steps are defined after each other, as a series of step definitions, but in spite of the jump instructions, the conditionals, you don’t really see visually what is going to be the next potential step in a workflow execution.

Fortunately, a new UI enhancement has landed in the Google Cloud Console: the ability to visualize a workflow definition with a graph, when you’re editing the definition. Furthermore, the graph is updated in quasi real-time as you make updates to the definition.

Let’s see this in action in the video below:

Thanks to this visualization, it’s easier to further understand how your workflow definition is structured, how executions operate. You can more easily track which steps follows a particular step.


Originally published at



Guillaume Laforge
Google Cloud - Community

Developer Advocate for Google Cloud, Apache Groovy programming language co-founder, Java Champion