Decision Tree — Homogeneous DB Migration to Cloud SQL & AlloyDB with GCP Database Migration Service(DMS)

pritam sahoo
Google Cloud - Community
2 min readOct 6, 2022

With Google Cloud we love decision trees to simplify our choice of GCP services and approach.

Database Migration service released by GCP in early 2021 has seen tremendous enhancements in supporting database migrations to Cloud SQL and AlloyDB(Postgres). DMS specifically streamlines networking complexity, takes care of initial snapshot of the source database and CDC and monitoring of migration jobs with insights.

In this decision tree approach we are targeting homogeneous DB migrations(same database engine) to GCP with Cloud SQL and Alloy DB(Postgres).

Decsion Tree for Homogeneous DB Migrations

Let’s try to analyze the Postgres database engine as a source. If the source postgres engine is “Yes” as specified in the diamond box i.e. condition is met then you can use DMS. If the condition is “No” then check for other conditions like EDB Postgres DB and seek GCP’s expertise to simplify the database migrations.

Hope you enjoyed this blog. Stay tuned for Decision tree approach for Heterogeneous DB Migrations.

*** Known Limitaions of GCP DMS —

