Deploy machine learning models to the edge server with Cloud Deploy and Cloud Workflows

Google Cloud - Community
5 min readOct 18, 2022


I am testing my machine learning models which are exported as container images by an external system. Once complete model training, it will create a container image with the serving framework configured, and push the image to the Google Cloud Artifact Registry.

To test the model, I need to:

  1. Update my Kubernetes deployment yaml file with the latest image tag.
  2. Connect to my Kubernetes cluster.
  3. kubectl apply the yaml file.

This is a perfect use case for creating a workflow to run this automatically.


  • When a new container image is pushed to Artifact Registry, it automatically triggers a workflow to deploy the container to target Anthos Clusters (Testing and Staging).
  • The solution must be able to handle multiple container images and services mapping. Meaning if I have modelA and modelB pushed to the registry, I want them to be automatically deployed to Anthos Cluster as ServiceA and ServiceB.
  • It requires my approval to deploy to the next environment.

Solution — Cloud Pub/Sub and Cloud Build

Both Container Registry and Artifacts Registry send notifications when a new container image is pushed to the registry. Below diagram illustrates the first solution architecture.

  • When a new container image is pushed to the registry, it fires a notification event. And the event is routed to a Cloud Pub/Sub topic
  • Cloud Build pipeline triggered by the event. It
  • Pulls Kubernetes manifest template files from Source Repositories.
  • Update template files.
  • Deploy to target environments.


Major challenges for this architecture are that

  • It does not supports approval. So each release will be deployed to the target environment once the workflow completed.
  • It requires Cloud Build trigger, which in terms requires a Git or Cloud Source Repositories. In my case, I do not need a Git repository. In addition, if I want to honor resource location restrictions, Cloud Source Repositories only provides a preview “regional instance”.

Solution — Cloud Deploy and Cloud Workflows

The second architecture illustrated below.

In this architecture. When a new container image is pushed to the registry, It

  • Fires a notification event. Eventarc Trigger receives the event and triggers a Cloud Workflows workflow.
  • The workflow invokes Cloud Deploy API to kick-off a delivery pipeline with Skaffold manifest files
  • Cloud Deploy delivery pipeline renders the Kubernets manifest files, and create a release.

To have the end-to-end flow works, I

  • Create Skaffold configuration with target environment configurations
  • Create a Delivery Pipeline configurations
  • Upload Kubernets manifest template file for this model container to Cloud Storage Bucket
  • Create a Cloud Workflow workflow, which invokes Cloud Deploy API to kick-off the Delivery Pipeline created above. In the API call I configure skaffoldConfigUri and skaffoldConfigPath so the Delivery Pipeline knows where to pull Skaffold configurations.
  • Create an Eventarc Trigger which listens to the specific Artifacts Registry container image and triggers the Cloud Workflow workflow created above.

Create Cloud Deploy Delivery Pipeline

  • Create a Skaffold yaml file

Skaffold is used to render manifests for different environments, in my case I use the same model in each environment, so this one is straightforward. Here is my sakffold.yaml.

  • Create the delivery pipeline definition file.

This is where you define how your pipeline looks like. In my case, I have two environments, staging and production. Both are Anthos attached clusters.

I have also created a service account deploy-service@${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.comand have granted it required roles. Which are

  • roles/eventarc.eventReceiver
  • roles/workflows.invoker
  • roles/eventarc.serviceAgent

And below is the definition of the delivery pipeline.

  • Create a Kubernetes manifest files

These are kubernetes yaml files that will be rendered by Skaffold and eventually applies to the target cluster.

  • Update template files

Each delivery pipeline is bound to a specific environment configuration. So I wrote a simple script to update environment variables when I have a new release.

  • Create the delivery pipeline
gcloud deploy apply --file pipeline.yaml --region="${GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT_REGION}" --project="${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}"

Create Cloud Workflows

Cloud Workflows is a HTTP API orchestractor, it also provides a HTTP API interface so the client application kick-off the workflow via an API call.

In my case, The Cloud Workflows workflow does nothing but invokes the Cloud Deploy API. I need this because Cloud Deploy itself is integrated with external applications or CI solutions via API calls.

Note that here we configure buildArtifacts to tell Skaffold that inference-model needs to be rendered with value of ${image_location} which is a variable we created and calculated in the workflow’s decode_message step.

And finally deploy the workflow.

Deploy the Cloud Workflows workflow

Upload Skaffold configuration files

To have Cloud deploy able to render results, we need to tell it where our assets are, in our Workflow we have skaffoldConfigUriand skaffoldConfigPath configured. So here we upload the asset to the pre-created Cloud Storage Bucket.

tar -czvf skaffold.tar.gz skaffold.yaml viai-model*gsutil cp /skaffold.tar.gz gs://${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}_cloudbuild/${PROD_CLUSTER}/”

Enable Audit Log

To have Eventarc Trigger for Artifact Registry to work, we need to enable Audit Log.

Create Eventarc Trigger

When new container images are pushed to Artifact Registry, Eventarc receives this event and triggers event destination workflow. If we have multiple container images, we need a filter to specify which container image is the image of interest. And only triggers downstream workflow when it arrives at the Artifact Registry.

Eventarc has a “path pattern” that allows you to set a resource filter on the Eventarc trigger. In my case, I want to listen to specific container images pushed to the Artifact Registry. Say if the image URL is https://us-east1/my-project/my-repository/my-image:tagThe path pattern is resourceName=/projects/my-preoject/locations/east-us1/repositories/my-registry/dockerImages/my-Image*

To create an Eventarc Trigger that triggers Cloud Workflow when a container image is pushed.

Test the Workflow

Now we have Evnetarc Triggers that only triggers when desired container images are pushed to the cluster. And I have a workflow that triggers Cloud Deploy Delivery Pipeline.

To test the end-to-end scenario, simply push a new image to the Artifact Registry. Note that the image must be pushed to exact the URL you specified in Eventarc Trigger path pattern filter.

