Kubernetes Deployment Dependencies

An itch that’s been wanting a scratch!

Daz Wilkin
Google Cloud - Community
6 min readJul 2, 2018


I’m working on a Helm Chart for a Blockchain platform. Helm helps with templating deployments though I find myself duplicating lots of boilerplate. A bigger issue has been in attempting to reflect dependencies between resources during deployment.

I’ve written a small proof-of-concept that I think helps and am interested in feedback. I realized that I want not only a (distributed) lock service (etcd? Chubby?), but also more transparent Kubernetes resources for orchestrating these dependencies.

The Problem

I have 2 Pods: first, second. I want second to block until first is “available”. This is commonly required for databases and their clients but the problem is — I think — a general one.

The solution that I’ve encountered is to share a volume between Pods and to use the file-system as the locking database. Something of the form:

This has several advantages:

  • It leverages “Everything is a File” in Linux; available everywhere
  • It’s easy to understand

But it has several disadvantages

  • It’s opaque to Kubernetes and beyond the Pods|containers
  • It requires a shell to wrap even a single binary
  • It requires read-write-many volumes
  • It’s not pluggable

The following is a proof-of-concept for an alternative approach which I suspect is what etcd, Chubby, Zookeeper and others would provide. If I can convince myself of the merits of this approach, I plan to try using etcd or possibly surfacing Google’s Runtime Config service to Kubernetes.

The Proof-of-Concept

I wrote a simple Golang httpd service that accepts GETs to retrieve “variables” and POSTs to create them. The service itself is created against a global configuration value.

NB As I write this, I realize that an immediate improvement is to make the global configuration value dynamic rather than static. This would then be provided with each GET and POST to partition into namespaces.

So, for example to get the variable a/path/my/variable returns 200 if the variable has been created:

The following command creates the above variable:

What benefit does this yield?


Here’s an example implementation of first:

This revises the initContainer (lines 12–29). It uses busybox (which has wget not curl). It grabs the container’s name from the Downward API (e.g. first), concatenates it to init and creates a file in the service’s volume first/init.

Checking the service’s volume, we find:

The main container (called container) blocks on completion of its initContainers. By the time container begins, we may be confident the first/init file has been created. The container then creates a second file called first/container:

All good!

We can then deploy Second:

This Pod (Second) must block until first is ready. Our protocol is that first will create a variable first/container when it is ready. So, Second has an initContainer that waits for this variable’s endpoint to become ready (200). This code appears in lines 16–27.

Unfortunately (!) this required a shell (a requirement I was hoping to avoid) *but* I propose replacing this with a simple Golang binary that polls a given endpoint. This would be similar to the Healthcheck alternative I wrote about previously (link).

As before, the main container (container), uses busybox’s wget to create another variable noting the successful completion of this container (second/dependent).

After both first and second are complete, we have:

These trees show a side-effect benefit of this approach which is that, although the implementation currently uses a file-system, the file-system is opaque to the clients that are creating/reading variables. An alternative implementation (etcd, Runtime Config) could be applied without rewriting the container manifests.

Here’s Google’s Console showing the Service deployed and both first and second completed:

And, drilling into each:




and the logs for the wait container:


Alternatively, you may view the wait container’s logs from the command line:

Here you can see that the initContainer blocks the start of second container until the variable becomes available which, in this case, happens promptly.

I’ve shown using tree to view the contents of the directory that’s backing the simple-config service. To access the debugging container (debug) that’s associated with the simple-config service (see deployment.yaml below lines 39–44), we must first determine the pod’s name. Because the container has a label (component: debug) associated with it, we can quickly select it. We then use JSONPath to grab the (assumed 1st and only) pod’s name:

We can combine this command with a kubectl exec to access the ash shell in the debug container:

NB You may drop both sets of the — namespace and — context flags if you’re using the defaults.

NB The first time you exec into the container, you may wish to install tree (You'll need to update first: apk update && apk install tree).

You may then check the contents of the /config directory:

simple-config is configured in 3 places.

First, the process (main.go) can be configured by the environment. A variable SIMPLE_CONFIG_PATH is used to define an absolute path to the storage of variables. This defaults to the current directory (.). A variable SIMPLE_CONFIG_PORT is used to define the listening port. This defaults to 8080.

The simple-config Service is then configured to use /config directory and port 9999 (arbitrarily) by defining env key:value pairs in deployment.yaml lines #32–35. These include a reference to the container’s /config . This is actually a volume mount of a volume called config volume (lines 33–34). The volume itself is defined as an EmptyDir in lines 24–25.

For convenience and or comparison, the equivalent Docker command to run the container locally would be:

Golang: Server

Here’s the code for the simple-config server implementation:

Here’s its Dockerfile:

And here’s a Deployment manifest for it:

Golang: Client

Here’s an implementation of a client for the simple-config service:

A Dockerfile with a tweaked entrypoint that catches the Golang binary too:


And a Pod manifest:

This time, we’re shell-less not for any aversion to shells but to be more explicit about intent. The initContainer references the client (dazwilkin/simple-config/client) and invokes exists $(VARIABLE) to check whether the variable (plus/container) exists.

Subsequently, the container container, invokes create $(VARIABLE) to mark its completion.


I’m undecided on the merits of this approach. It addresses some of my concerns, not all of them and adds some complexity. I continue to believe that Kubernetes should have a mechanism for automating this type of deployment complexity.

What alternatives exist?

