Enhancing Google Cloud AlloyDB Interaction with Custom psql Shortcuts.

Deepak Mahto
Google Cloud - Community
8 min readMar 3, 2023

Most of my interaction with PostgreSQL is primarily using psql an powerful and versatile command-line tool. It provides an interface for executing SQL queries, managing database objects, and viewing database metadata with different shortcuts. Users can customize their psql experience by configuring various settings such as formatting options, setting variables and more.
If interested to go in depth of features, please check out official psql documentation.

Sample \dt+ shortcut to get Table details with size.

AlloyDB is a managed database service that offers PostgreSQL compatibility, high performance, and availability for mission-critical transactional and analytical workloads. Its columnar engine is especially noteworthy as it allows users to optimize analytical queries and eliminate the need for indexes on analytical tables, making it an exciting feature to explore.

Since AlloyDB incorporates the strengths of both Google and PostgreSQL Compatible databases, I considered merging it’s features like Columnar engine, extension available with psql as variable and shortcut to further enhance its capabilities for managed databases.

Get the best of psql with AlloyDB

So let’s get started and enhance our experience working with AlloyDB eith pre-embedded shortcut for querying functionality details like Columnar engine, Index Advisor, Extensions and more.

Configure .psqlrc file for psql command line

The .psqlrc file configures psql, letting users personalize settings, create shortcuts, and add custom commands. It’s stored in the user’s home directory and loads automatically at launch, improving efficiency and saving time when working with PostgreSQL databases.

Below is the configuration, we will use to enhance our interaction with AlloyDB for PostgreSQL.

-- For PostgreSQL Found at:
-- http://www.if-not-true-then-false.com/2009/postgresql-psql-psqlrc-tips-and-tricks/
-- http://opensourcedbms.com/dbms/psqlrc-psql-startup-file-for-postgres/

-- Added AlloyDB specific views primarily around columnar cache, extensions and core AllyDB features.


\pset pager on

\pset null 'NULL'

\set HISTSIZE 50000


\set PROMPT1 '(%n@%M:%>) [%/] > '
\set PROMPT2 ''


\echo '\nCurrent Host Server Date Time : '`date` '\n'

\echo 'Administrative queries:\n'
\echo '\t\t\t:settings\t-- Server Settings'
\echo '\t\t\t:conninfo\t-- Server connections'
\echo '\t\t\t:activity\t-- Server activity'
\echo '\t\t\t:locks\t\t-- Lock info'
\echo '\t\t\t:waits\t\t-- Waiting queires'
\echo '\t\t\t:dbsize\t\t-- Database Size'
\echo '\t\t\t:tablesize\t-- Tables Size'
\echo '\t\t\t:uptime\t\t-- Server uptime'
\echo '\t\t\t:gt\t\t-- Google Columnar Cache Table'
\echo '\t\t\t:gc\t\t-- Google Columnar Cache Columns'
\echo '\t\t\t:ac\t\t-- AlloyDB Specific Parameters'
\echo '\t\t\t:gcolc\t\t-- Google Columnar Engine Specific Parameters'
\echo '\t\t\t:gi\t\t-- Google Index Advisory Recommend'
\echo '\t\t\t:reset\t\t-- Reset Table set for Google Columnar Engine'
\echo '\t\t\t:set\t\t-- Set Table set for Google Columnar Engine as per input'
\echo '\t\t\t:ext\t\t-- Extension Enable and installed'
\echo '\t\t\t:aext\t\t-- Available Extension'
\echo '\t\t\t:gext\t\t-- Available Google Cloud AlloyDB Extensions'
\echo '\t\t\t:gcmem\t\t-- Google Cloud Columnar Memory'
\echo '\t\t\t:gcmemusage\t\t-- Google Cloud Columnar Memory Usage - internal'
\echo '\t\t\t:gunit\t\t-- Google Columnar Block units'
\echo '\t\t\t:menu\t\t-- Help Menu'
\echo '\t\t\t\\h\t\t-- Help with SQL commands'
\echo '\t\t\t\\?\t\t-- Help with psql commands\n'

\echo 'Development queries:\n'
\echo '\t\t\t:sp\t\t-- Current Search Path'
\echo '\t\t\t:clear\t\t-- Clear screen'

-- Administration queries

\set menu '\\i ~/.psqlrc'

\set settings 'select name, setting,unit,context from pg_settings;'

\set locks 'SELECT bl.pid AS blocked_pid, a.usename AS blocked_user, kl.pid AS blocking_pid, ka.usename AS blocking_user, a.query AS blocked_statement FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks bl JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity a ON bl.pid = a.pid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_locks kl JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity ka ON kl.pid = ka.pid ON bl.transactionid = kl.transactionid AND bl.pid != kl.pid WHERE NOT bl.granted;'

\set conninfo 'select usename, count(*) from pg_stat_activity group by usename;'

\set activity 'select datname, pid, usename, application_name,client_addr, client_hostname, client_port, query, state from pg_stat_activity;'

\set waits 'SELECT pg_stat_activity.pid, pg_stat_activity.query, pg_stat_activity.waiting, now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start AS \"totaltime\", pg_stat_activity.backend_start FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.query !~ \'%IDLE%\'::text AND pg_stat_activity.waiting = true;'

\set dbsize 'SELECT datname, pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) db_size FROM pg_database ORDER BY db_size;'

\set tablesize 'SELECT nspname || \'.\' || relname AS \"relation\", pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "size" FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace) WHERE nspname NOT IN (\'pg_catalog\', \'information_schema\') ORDER BY pg_relation_size(C.oid) DESC LIMIT 40;'

\set uptime 'select now() - pg_postmaster_start_time() AS uptime;'

\set gt 'SELECT n.nspname as \"Schema\",c.relname as \"Name\",CASE c.relkind WHEN \'r\' THEN \'table\' WHEN \'v\' THEN \'view\' WHEN \'m\' THEN \'materialized view\' WHEN \'i\' THEN \'index\' WHEN \'S\' THEN \'sequence\' WHEN \'t\' THEN \'TOAST table\' WHEN \'f\' THEN \'foreign table\' WHEN \'p\' THEN \'partitioned table\' WHEN \'I\' THEN \'partitioned index\' END as \"Type\",pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) as \"Owner\", CASE c.relpersistence WHEN \'p\' THEN \'permanent\' WHEN \'t\' THEN \'temporary\' WHEN \'u\' THEN \'unlogged\' END as \"Persistence\", pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_table_size(c.oid)) as \"Size\", gcol.status as \"ColumnarCache\", pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(gcol.size) as \"ColCacheSizeMB\", pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid, \'pg_class\') as \"Description\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_am am ON am.oid = c.relam INNER JOIN g_columnar_relations gcol on gcol.schema_name = n.nspname and gcol.relation_name = c.relname AND gcol.status = \'Usable\' WHERE c.relkind IN (\'r\',\'p\',\'\') AND n.nspname <> \'pg_catalog\' AND n.nspname !~ \'^pg_toast\' AND n.nspname <> \'information_schema\' AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) and gcol.database_name = current_database() ORDER BY 1,2;'

\set gt_ 'SELECT n.nspname as \"Schema\",c.relname as \"Name\", pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_table_size(c.oid)) as \"Size\", gcol.status as \"ColumnarCache\", pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(gcol.size) as \"ColCacheSizeMB\", gcol.columnar_unit_count ,total_block_count , block_count_in_cc ,invalid_block_count ,round(100 * invalid_block_count/total_block_count,1) as invalid_block_cnt_perc , auto_refresh_trigger_count as auto_refresh_cnt , auto_refresh_failure_count as auto_refresh_failcnt FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_am am ON am.oid = c.relam INNER JOIN g_columnar_relations gcol on gcol.schema_name = n.nspname and gcol.relation_name = c.relname AND gcol.status = \'Usable\' WHERE c.relkind IN (\'r\',\'p\',\'\') AND n.nspname <> \'pg_catalog\' AND n.nspname !~ \'^pg_toast\' AND n.nspname <> \'information_schema\' AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) and gcol.database_name = current_database() ORDER BY 1,5;'

\set reset '\\set gctabs %'

\set set '\\set gctabs'

\set gc 'SELECT gcols.relation_name as \"TableName\", a.attname,pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),(SELECT pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid, true)FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef), a.attnotnull,gcols.status as \"ColumnarCache\",round(gcols.size_in_bytes/1024/1024,2) as \"ColCacheSizeMB\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace left join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on a.attrelid = c.oid INNER JOIN g_columnar_columns gcols on gcols.schema_name = n.nspname and gcols.relation_name = c.relname AND gcols.status = \'Usable\' and gcols.column_name = a.attname WHERE gcols.relation_name like :\'gctabs\' and pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND gcols.database_name = current_database() ORDER BY a.attnum;'

\set gc_ 'SELECT gcols.relation_name as \"TableName\", a.attname,pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod), a.attnotnull,gcols.status as \"ColumnarCache\",round(gcols.size_in_bytes/1024/1024,2) as \"ColCacheSizeMB\" , round(gcols.uncompressed_size_in_bytes/1024/1024,2) as \"UnCmprsdColCacheSizeMB\" , last_accessed_time , num_times_accessed FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace left join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on a.attrelid = c.oid INNER JOIN g_columnar_columns gcols on gcols.schema_name = n.nspname and gcols.relation_name = c.relname AND gcols.status = \'Usable\' and gcols.column_name = a.attname WHERE gcols.relation_name like :\'gctabs\' and pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND gcols.database_name = current_database() ORDER BY a.attnum;'

\set ac 'SELECT s.name AS \"Parameter\", pg_catalog.current_setting(s.name) AS \"Value\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings s WHERE pg_catalog.lower(s.name) OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) \'^(alloydb.*)$\' COLLATE pg_catalog.default ORDER BY 1;'

\set gcolc 'SELECT s.name AS \"Parameter\", pg_catalog.current_setting(s.name) AS \"Value\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings s WHERE pg_catalog.lower(s.name) OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) \'^(google_columnar_engine..*)$\' COLLATE pg_catalog.default ORDER BY 1;'

\set gidxc 'SELECT s.name AS \"Parameter\", pg_catalog.current_setting(s.name) AS \"Value\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings s WHERE pg_catalog.lower(s.name) OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) \'^(google_db_advisor..*)$\' COLLATE pg_catalog.default ORDER BY 1;'

\set gi 'select * from google_db_advisor_recommend_indexes();'

\set ef 'SELECT s.name AS \"Parameter\", pg_catalog.current_setting(s.name) AS \"Value\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings s WHERE pg_catalog.lower(s.name) OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) \'^(.*.enable.*)$\' COLLATE pg_catalog.default and setting =\'on\' ORDER BY 1;'

--Available Extensions
\set ext 'SELECT e.extname AS \"Name\", e.extversion AS \"Version\", n.nspname AS \"Schema\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension e LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = e.extnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description c ON c.objoid = e.oid AND c.classoid = \'pg_catalog.pg_extension\' :: pg_catalog.regclass ORDER BY 1;'

\set gext 'SELECT name,default_version,installed_version from pg_catalog.pg_available_extensions where lower(name) like \'%google%\';'

\set aext 'SELECT name,default_version,installed_version from pg_catalog.pg_available_extensions;'

\set gcmem 'select pg_size_pretty(memory_total) as cc_memory_total , pg_size_pretty(memory_total-memory_available) as cc_memory_consume,pg_size_pretty(memory_available) cc_memory_available, google_columnar_engine_local_storage_used() as cc_local_storage_used, google_columnar_engine_local_storage_available() as available_local_storage from g_columnar_memory_usage where memory_name = \'main_pool\';'

\set gcmemusage 'select memory_name , memory_total/1024/1024 memory_total_MB, memory_available/1024/1024 memory_available_MB , memory_available_percentage from g_columnar_memory_usage;'

\set gcunit 'select schema_name, relation_name, status, swap_status, sum(end_block - start_block) ttl_block, sum(invalid_block_count) invalid_block, round( 100 * sum(invalid_block_count) / sum(end_block - start_block), 1 ) as invalid_block_perc, pg_size_pretty(sum(size)) ttl_size, pg_size_pretty(sum(cached_size_bytes)) ttl_cached_size from g_columnar_units where g_columnar_units.database_name = current_database() group by schema_name, relation_name, status, swap_status;'

\set gconf 'SELECT s.name AS \"Parameter\", pg_catalog.current_setting(s.name) AS \"Value\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings s WHERE s.source <> \'default\' AND s.setting IS DISTINCT FROM s.boot_val AND lower(s.name) like \'%google%\' ORDER BY 1;'

\set gcunit_ 'select pg_size_pretty(memory_total) as cc_allocated, pg_size_pretty(memory_total - memory_available) as cc_consumed, pg_size_pretty(memory_available) cc_available, google_columnar_engine_local_storage_used() as cc_local_storage_used_mb, google_columnar_engine_local_storage_available() as cc_local_storage_avail_mb, CASE WHEN google_columnar_engine_local_storage_used() IS NOT NULL THEN \'Swapped-out Column(s)\' ELSE null end as "SwapOut", ( select CONCAT_WS( \'-\', STRING_AGG(distinct g_columnar_units.relation_name, \'/\'), STATUS, swap_status ) from g_columnar_units group by status, swap_status ) as current_obj from g_columnar_memory_usage where memory_name = \'main_pool\';'

-- Development queries:
\set sp 'SHOW search_path;'
\set clear '\\! clear;'
\set ea 'explain analyze'
\set eab 'explain (analyze,buffers)'

We will either create a new ~/.psqlrc file or append the existing one with the provided script. The script includes all the shortcuts embedded beneath the \set command, as well as AlloyDB related information. It mainly includes the Google Columnar engine to retrieve all information related to tables, columns, columnar cache size, and invalidation details.

Configure .psqlrc file
deepakmahto@pg15:~$ nano ~/.psqlrc

deepakmahto@pg15:~$ psql -h -U postgres -d dbbench

Current Host Server Date Time : Fri Mar 3 08:09:49 UTC 2023

Administrative queries:

:settings -- Server Settings
:conninfo -- Server connections
:activity -- Server activity
:locks -- Lock info
:waits -- Waiting queires
:dbsize -- Database Size
:tablesize -- Tables Size
:uptime -- Server uptime
:gt -- Google Columnar Cache Table
:gc -- Google Columnar Cache Columns
:ac -- AlloyDB Specific Parameters
:gcolc -- Google Columnar Engine Specific Parameters
:gi -- Google Index Advisory Recommend
:reset -- Reset Table set for Google Columnar Engine
:set -- Set Table set for Google Columnar Engine as per input
:ext -- Extension Enable and installed
:aext -- Available Extension
:gext -- Available Google Cloud AlloyDB Extensions
:gcmem -- Google Cloud Columnar Memory
:gcmemusage -- Google Cloud Columnar Memory Usage - internal
:gcmemusage -- Google Cloud Columnar Memory Usage - internal
:gunit -- Google Columnar units
:menu -- Help Menu
\h -- Help with SQL commands
\? -- Help with psql commands

Development queries:

:sp -- Current Search Path
:clear -- Clear screen
psql (15.0 (Debian 15.0-1.pgdg110+1), server 14.4)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

(postgres@ [dbbench] >

Now that we have created a .psqlrc file with the necessary configuration, let’s take a look at some of the shortcuts we have included in it. We have used \set to define variables that embed SQL queries for the necessary AlloyDB functionalities.

psql \set shortcut for AlloyDB

psql shortcut for AlloyDB

Now, we will reinitiate psql connection and it should show us all available shortcut as menu and verify some of the shortcut.

Running shortcut is only typing the variable name and Enter in psql.

psql shortcut — AlloyDB Extension, Columnar engine.

The AlloyDB Columnar engine facilitates the acceleration of analytical queries and offers various configurations and views to access relevant metadata information. Drawing inspiration from the \dt and \d+ shortcuts, I developed :gt and :gc commands to obtain analogous output for tables enabled with the columnar engine, along with associated columnar engine details. Memory configuration and underlying blocks details can also be view with memory related shortcuts(:gcmem, :gcmemusage and :gcunit).

Filter Table for Columnar Engine Details

using :set we can include filter Table to include its details only. later if need to reset the filter, we can use :reset.


psql is an excellent tool for interacting with PostgreSQL-compatible databases. By incorporating predefined shortcuts that expose AlloyDB-related functionalities and features, obtaining necessary information has become faster and more convenient.



Deepak Mahto
Google Cloud - Community

Database Migration Expert - Enabling success with PostgreSQL on Cloud.