Executing commands (gcloud, kubectl) from Workflows

Mete Atamel
Google Cloud - Community
5 min readOct 17, 2022

In a previous post, I showed how to manage the lifecycle of a virtual machine using Workflows and the Compute Engine connector. This works well when there’s a connector for the resource you’re trying to manage. When there is no connector, you can try to use the API of the resource from Workflows, if there’s one. Alternatively, you can also use my favorite command line tool to manage the resource: gcloud. Or if you're managing a Kubernetes cluster, maybe you want to call kubectl instead.

At this point, you might ask: How do you execute a command line tool such as gcloud or kubectl from Workflows?

Your intuition is right. There’s no direct way to call gcloud or kubectl from Workflows. However, Cloud Build provides some container images with gcloud and kubectl included. You can run gcloud and kubectl commands in those containers from a Cloud Build step. You can also create a Cloud Build step from a Workflows step using the Cloud Build connector.

You see where I’m going with this? Let’s look at the details.

Create a workflow for gcloud

Let’s first create a workflow to run gcloud commands, for example, gcloud workflows list.

Here’s a workflow-gcloud.yaml file with an execute_command step:

- execute_command:
call: gcloud
args: "workflows list"
result: result
- return_result:
return: ${result}

The execute_command step calls a sub-workflow named gcloud with the command you want to run workflows list as arguments. The sub-workflow is defined as follows:

params: [args]
- create_build:
call: googleapis.cloudbuild.v1.projects.builds.create
projectId: ${sys.get_env("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID")}
parent: ${"projects/" + sys.get_env("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID") + "/locations/global"}
serviceAccount: ${sys.get_env("GOOGLE_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME")}
- name: gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk
entrypoint: /bin/bash
args: ${["-c", "gcloud " + args + " > $$BUILDER_OUTPUT/output"]}
result: result_builds_create
- return_gcloud_result:
return: ${text.split(text.decode(base64.decode(result_builds_create.metadata.build.results.buildStepOutputs[0])), "\n")}

The sub-workflow uses the Cloud Build connector to create a build with a single step. In that step, you use the gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk image to run the gcloud command with the supplied arguments. You also capture the output, which is a base64-encoded multiline string. In the last step, you access the output, decode it, and split by new lines to return an array of lines.

We’re basically calling gcloud commands with the help of Cloud Build, capturing output and returning the output as a multi-line array!

Create a workflow for kubectl

Let’s see how to do the same with kubectl commands.

Here’s a workflow-kubectl.yaml file that executes kubectl --help command by calling the execute_command sub-workflow:

- execute_command:
call: kubectl
args: "--help"
result: result
- return_result:
return: ${result}

The kubectl sub-workflow is defined as follows:

params: [args]
- create_build:
call: googleapis.cloudbuild.v1.projects.builds.create
projectId: ${sys.get_env("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID")}
parent: ${"projects/" + sys.get_env("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID") + "/locations/global"}
serviceAccount: ${sys.get_env("GOOGLE_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME")}
- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/kubectl
entrypoint: /bin/bash
args: ${["-c", "kubectl " + args + " > $$BUILDER_OUTPUT/output"]}
result: result_builds_create
- return_build_result:
return: ${text.split(text.decode(base64.decode(result_builds_create.metadata.build.results.buildStepOutputs[0])), "\n")}

Notice that the sub-workflow is very similar to the previous one, except it relies on the the gcr.io/cloud-builders/kubectl image to run the kubectl command.

Admittedly, this is a very simple sample, as kubectl --help does not interface with a real cluster. You'd need to figure out how to authenticate kubectl with a real cluster but that's not the point of this blog post.

Deploy the workflows

Make sure you have a Google Cloud project and the project id is set in gcloud:

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Run setup.sh to enable required services, assign necessary roles, and deploy both workflows.

Run the workflow for gcloud

Run the workflow from Google Cloud Console or gcloud:

gcloud workflows run workflow-gcloud

You should see a new build successfully running gcloud in Cloud Build:

You should also see the output of the gcloud command when the workflow succeeds:

result: '["NAME                                                                                        STATE   REVISION_ID  UPDATE_TIME",
"projects/atamel-workflows-gcloud/locations/us-central1/workflows/workflow-gcloud ACTIVE 000001-7fa 2022-10-07T09:26:27.470230358Z",
"projects/atamel-workflows-gcloud/locations/us-central1/workflows/workflow-kubectl ACTIVE 000001-215 2022-10-07T09:26:32.511757767Z",

Run the workflow for kubectl

Run the workflow from Google Cloud Console or gcloud:

gcloud workflows run workflow-kubectl

You should see a new build successfully running kubectl in Cloud Build:

You should also see the output of the kubectl command when the workflow succeeds:

result: '["kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager.",""," Find more information at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/","","Basic Commands (Beginner):"," create Create a resource from a file or from stdin"," expose Take a replication controller, service, deployment or pod and expose it as a new Kubernetes service"," run Run a particular image on the cluster"," set Set specific features on objects","","Basic Commands (Intermediate):"," explain Get documentation for a resource"," get Display one or many resources"," edit Edit a resource on the server"," delete Delete resources by file names, stdin, resources and names, or by resources and label selector","","Deploy Commands:"," rollout Manage the rollout of a resource"," scale Set a new size for a deployment, replica set, or replication controller"," autoscale Auto-scale a deployment, replica set, stateful set, or replication controller","","Cluster Management Commands:"," certificate Modify certificate resources."," cluster-info Display cluster information"," top Display resource (CPU/memory) usage"," cordon Mark node as unschedulable"," uncordon Mark node as schedulable"," drain Drain node in preparation for maintenance"," taint Update the taints on one or more nodes","","Troubleshooting and Debugging Commands:"," describe Show details of a specific resource or group of resources"," logs Print the logs for a container in a pod"," attach Attach to a running container"," exec Execute a command in a container"," port-forward Forward one or more local ports to a pod"," proxy Run a proxy to the Kubernetes API server"," cp Copy files and directories to and from containers"," auth Inspect authorization"," debug Create debugging sessions for troubleshooting workloads and nodes","","Advanced Commands:"," diff Diff the live version against a would-be applied version"," apply Apply a configuration to a resource by file name or stdin"," patch Update fields of a resource"," replace Replace a resource by file name or stdin"," wait Experimental: Wait for a specific condition on one or many resources"," kustomize Build a kustomization target from a directory or URL.","","Settings Commands:"," label Update the labels on a resource"," annotate Update the annotations on a resource"," completion Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)","","Other Commands:"," api-resources Print the supported API resources on the server"," api-versions Print the supported API versions on the server, in the form of \"group/version\""," config Modify kubeconfig files"," plugin Provides utilities for interacting with plugins"," version Print the client and server version information","","Usage:"," kubectl [flags] [options]","","Use \"kubectl \u003ccommand\u003e --help\" for more information about a given command.","Use \"kubectl options\" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).",""]'

This is an example of how to run gcloud and kubectl commands from Workflows. However, there's a bigger pattern here. Any tool you can run in a container can potentially be invoked from Workflows via a Cloud Build step. This is huge and opens up a lot of opportunities!

Thanks to our Workflows Product Manager, Kris Braun, for the idea and the initial prototype of the sample. For questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter@meteatamel.

Originally published at https://atamel.dev.



Mete Atamel
Google Cloud - Community

I'm a Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, helping developers with serverless and orchestration technologies