Fastrack your Homogeneous Database Migration for PostgreSQL to Cloud SQL(PostgreSQL)

Google Cloud - Community
12 min readMar 17, 2022


This blog is more about migrating a self managed PostgreSQL database to a Cloud SQL(PostgreSQL) instance on Google Cloud. We will be starting up from ground zero by setting up a self managed PostgreSQL database on GCE(same for Cloud VM/on premise) and then migrate to CloudSQL replica instance eventually promoting to the Production/Master instance for PostgreSQL on Cloud SQL.

Very often we struggle with database migrations because it is a challenging activity. There are various reasons for it and a few highlighted below.

  • Its complex because of non availability easy to use tool with GUI based approach
  • Friction due to Networking complexities
  • Manual approach on setting up of migration jobs and monitoring the migration activities
  • Even backup and restore of databases with manual approach are prone to errors
  • Depending on tools which follow black box approach of database migrations and no transparency to the users.
  • Cost associated with the vendor tools
  • Business cannot afford downtime of the databases supporting the Production application landscape

To address above challenges for our database admins and users Google Cloud started with Database Migration Service(DMS) in early 2021 thereby streamlining networking workflow, managing the initial snapshot and ongoing replication…

