Generative AI - Getting Started with PaLM 2

Learn how to get started with Generative AI and PaLm2 on Vertex AI

Sascha Heyer
Google Cloud - Community


The Vertex AI PaLM API is a Google Cloud service that enables the usage and training of generative models.

Let me first remove some of the confusion. Generative AI Studio is a feature of Vertex AI. And it indeed provides access to PaLM 2 via the Vertex AI PaLM API, which is part of Generative AI Studio.


The PaLM API provides 3 foundation models:

  • Text for natural language instructions
  • Chat for conversations
  • Embedding for creating embeddings based on text

Different PaLM 2 model sizes are available. Vertex AI PaLM API supports Gecko for Embeddings and Bison and Unicorn for Text and Chat.

The models are particularly good at creating and understanding our language for a wide set of different tasks.

The Bison model is approx half the price of the GPT-3 Open AI) as of May 2023.

source: Google I/O 2023

Use the Vertex AI PaLM API

Google provides access to PaLM 2 via the Vertex AI SDK. Install it with pip install google-cloud-aiplatform make sure you’re running on at last version 1.25.0 .



Sascha Heyer
Google Cloud - Community

Hi, I am Sascha, Senior Machine Learning Engineer at @DoiT. Support me by becoming a Medium member 🙏