Google Cloud Identity Sign Up

via Identity Sign Up wizard

Ferris Argyle
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readJun 26, 2018


As described in the overview, there are two paths you can follow to sign up for Google Cloud Identity; this describes sign up via the Identity Sign Up wizard.


Land-line or cell phone

This process requires sign-in verification via land-line or cell phone.


Register a domain (eg. Google domain; requires a Google identity (can be gmail) for bootstrap)

For Google domains

  • Do NOT add GSuite users when you register the domain: the Cloud Identity sign-up wizard will fail.
  • Registering for G Suite establishes an indirect business relationship via Google Domains, so the wizard can’t establish a direct business relationship with Google Cloud for Cloud Identity licenses.
  • You will be prompted to provide an email address
  • This can be any pre-existing address; you just need to be able to use it from the same browser session from which you use your GCP project owner
  • Go to your email and verify your email address

Sign up for Cloud Identity

  • Provide information about your business and location
  • Provide your email address; this can be any pre-existing address; it’s used exclusively for contact
  • Provide the name of your existing domain and confirm it; this will be used for domain verification.
  • Provide the name you want to use to administer your Cloud Identity domain; this is strictly descriptive information associated with your account id
  • Provide the id and password you want to use to administer your Cloud Identity domain, eg. admin, and submit.
  • Confirm you’re not a robot, agree to the terms and conditions, and create your account
  • Go to setup
  • Log-in

What’s next

Complete the following steps in the overview article:

  • Verify domain ownership
  • Assign users
  • Confirm org creation
  • Validate licenses
  • Assign a billing account



Ferris Argyle
Google Cloud - Community

These are my personal writings; the views expressed in these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer, Google.