Google Cloud Platform News Roundup for August 2015

Ray Tsang
Google Cloud - Community
4 min readSep 8, 2015


I hope everyone had a great weekend! Here is a quick snapshot of what you may have missed during the past month. There were five product General Availability announcements, as well as a bunch of new useful articles from Cloud Developer Advocates!

General Availability Announcements

That was a lot of GA announcements for August!

Awesome Articles and Videos

Julia Ferraioli (@juliaferraioli) posted a series of articles on running a Minecraft server on Google Compute Engine with Docker:

Even if you don’t play Minecraft, you can learn a lot about Google Compute Engine and Docker! Follow her to get the series finale.

Felipe Hoffa (@felipehoffa) published a video titled Open data unleashed: The NYC taxi dataset. I live in New York City so it was especially interesting for me to watch! It features hackers dissecting taxi data using BigQuery. One team figured out the location of the highest grossing fire hydrant. I just hope someone figures out how to solve the shift change problem. Felipe loves BigQuery — check out his top posts on Reddit.

New to Google Cloud Platform? Check out Sandeep Dinesh’s (@SandeepDinesh) webinar on Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform. This video is pretty popular — I even saw it playing on the big screens at our Google Cloud Platform community events in Indonesia and Malaysia!

Got a minute? Learn something useful about Google Cloud Platform from Aja Hammerly (@thagomizer_rb), Paul Newson (@newsons_nybbles), and Sandeep Dinesh. They published several one-minute tutorial videos known as the Cloud Minute series. Check it out and save the playlist.

Ever wonder what Kubernetes namespaces are and what you can use them for? Ian Lewis (@IanMLewis) explains it all in his article Using Kubernetes to Manage Environments.

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Ray Tsang
Google Cloud - Community

Loves #Java. Lives in NYC. Creator of @JDeferred. Ex @Google @JBoss, @RedHatSoftware, @Accenture. Opinions stated here are my own.