Google Cloud Vertex AI and Svelte Kit: Vertex Summarizer

Bhaarat Krishnan
Google Cloud - Community
5 min readOct 10, 2023


Vertex Summarizer is a web app that I created to allow users to summarize articles, text, and other forms of content using Google Cloud Vertex AI.

Tech Stack

  • Svelte Kit: A web application framework that builds on Svelte.
  • Vertex AI PaLM 2 API: A large language model (LLM) API that provides access to Google AI’s PaLM 2 model.
  • Cloud Functions: A serverless platform to run functions without having to manage servers.
  • Cloud Run: A serverless platform to run containerized applications.


Create new Google Cloud Project:

Sign in or sign up to Google Cloud Console. Store the project ID for further use cases.

Start the Google Cloud Shell, a remote shell environment in cloud.

Create Environment variables for REGION and PROJECT_ID.

export PROJECT_ID=<your project id>
export REGION=asia-south1

Enabling APIs

gcloud services enable \ \ \

Vertex AI Cloud Function

Creating a new Service Account

Create a new service account. (use the same terminal opened in previous section)

gcloud iam service-accounts create vertex-service-acc

To provide access to your project and your resources, grant a role to the service account.

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member="serviceAccount:vertex-service-acc@${PROJECT_ID}" --role=roles/ml.developer

Grant your Google Account a role that lets you use the service account’s roles and attach the service account to other resources.

Replace USER_EMAIL with your Google Account Email ID.

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding vertex-service-acc@${PROJECT_ID} --member="user:USER_EMAIL" --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

Creating Cloud Functions

A Python Function is used to access the summarize text using PaLM API.

The PaLM 2 for text is ideal for tasks that can be completed with one API response, without the need for continuous conversation.

Create a new directory using cloud shell and navigate to it. (use the same terminal opened in previous section)

mkdir vertex-ai-functions
cd vertex-ai-functions

Create a file for writing cloud function and requirements.txt file for storing dependencies.

touch requirements.txt

This Python file defines a simple HTTP Cloud Function that uses a Vertex AI Text Generation Model to generate short summaries of text inputs. The function takes a text input as a parameter and returns a short summary of the input. The function uses a variety of parameters to control the generation process, such as the creativity, diversity, and fluency of the generated text. The HTTP Cloud Function accepts a request object and returns the model’s summary as the response.

Open Google Cloud Editor and replace contents with this code.
import functions_framework
import vertexai
from vertexai.preview.language_models import TextGenerationModel
import json

# Replace with your project ID !!!

def interview(text:str):
parameters = {
"temperature": 0.2,
"max_output_tokens": 256,
"top_p": .8,
"top_k": 40,
model = TextGenerationModel.from_pretrained("text-bison@001")
response = model.predict(
f"Make a short summary : {text}",
print(f"Response from Model: {response.text}")
return response.text

def hello_vertex(request):
parsed_data = (str('"',"").replace("'","").replace(",","").replace("\n","")
model_response = interview(parsed_data)
headers = {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"}
return (model_response, 200, headers)

Overall, this file provides a concise way to generate short summaries of text inputs using Vertex AI.

The requirements.txt file have package dependencies:

  • functions-framework==3.*: Ensures that the function uses the latest features and bug fixes of the Functions Framework.
  • google-cloud-aiplatform: Required to use the Vertex AI Text Generation Model.

Add this to requirements.txt file.


Deploy to Google Cloud Functions.

gcloud functions deploy vertex-ai-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=python311 \
--region=${REGION} \
--source=. \
--entry-point=hello_vertex \
--trigger-http \
--allow-unauthenticated \

Use the search bar and go to Cloud Functions Panel.

The function panel will contain the vertex-ai-function cloud function and the public URL will be given in the function page. We use this to connect our Frontend and Vertex AI API. Store this URL.

Vertex Summarizer Web App

The Vertex Summarizer provides a frontend interface to interact with our Vertex AI API through Google Cloud Functions.

Clone Repository and Setup Dockerfile

Go to root directory and clone the git repository.

cd ~/
git clone
cd  vertex-summarizer-svelte

To run this application, you need to add the PUBLIC_FUNCTION_URL environment variable in Dockerfile. This URL is the Cloud Function URL created and stored in previous section.

Open Cloud Editor and edit contents of Dockerfile. Replace the PUBLIC_FUNCTION_URL variable with your Cloud Function URL.

Deploy Frontend to Cloud Run

We will be using Google Artifact Registry to build and store our Docker Images. Cloud Run is used to deploy the containers in Serverless Architecture.

Create an Artifact Registry Repository. Open the Cloud Shell (use the same terminal opened in previous section).

gcloud artifacts repositories create vertex-repo --repository-format=docker --location=${REGION} 

Create an environment variable for Artifact Registry repository URL.

export DOCKER_URL=${REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/vertex-repo/vertex-summarizer-image

Build the docker container and tag it with Artifact Registry Repository location. Tagging the Docker image with a repository name configures the docker push command to push the image to a specific location.

docker build . -t ${DOCKER_URL}

Push the image to Artifact Registry.

docker push ${DOCKER_URL}

Deploy docker container to Cloud Run.

gcloud run deploy vertex-summarizer --allow-unauthenticated --platform=managed --region=${REGION} --image=${DOCKER_URL}

Yaay !! Vertex Summarizer is up and running. The URL will be shown in Cloud Shell, so Explore and Enjoy Vertex AI🤖.



Bhaarat Krishnan
Google Cloud - Community

I'm a Full Stack and Cross-Platform Developer, API enthusiast, and Cloud Engineer.