Guide to Deploy Vue.js App to Google App Engine With Cloud Build From Git Repository

This tutorial show step by step guide to do deployment from a Git commit, to Google Cloud Build, to Google App Engine

Eddy Goh
Google Cloud - Community


Deployment guide for Vue.js on Google App Engine using Git and Docker.
Deployment guide for Vue.js on Google App Engine using Git and Docker. Source: Author

If you are worried about autoscaling, sudden load spike, etc., you can indeed utilize Google App Engine. It helps you automate all of the tasks mentioned and control them using the panel.

Google App Engine has a guide and runtime for Node.js, Python, Go but doesn’t have one for Vue.js.


npm: 8.5.0
node: v16.14.2
vue: @ vue / cli 5.0.3

Server Related
GCP project created
GCP project billing
Google Cloud SDK (gcloud command) installed -> Link Here
Repository Related
GitLab repository (It can be GitHub or BitBucket too)

Step 1 — Create a Google Cloud Source Repository and mirror the code from the main Git Repo.

Add a new repository in Google Cloud Source Repositories.
Add a new repository. Source: Google Cloud

Using GitHub or Bitbucket, click on the second option and authorize the OAuth authentication…



Eddy Goh
Google Cloud - Community

Entrepreneur in Tech since 2008 | Leading web3, mobile apps, system, 3D & games development | Top Writer in💻Technology |🥇Top Medium Writer | CTO