How to build Dataflow Pipelines with Beam Golang SDK

IoT Dataflow Pipeline with Data Enrichment, Correction and Filtering using Pub/Sub and BigQuery

Ujjwal Sharma
Google Cloud - Community
9 min readApr 12, 2023


Photo by Mike Benna on Unsplash

In today’s data-driven world, data pipelines are essential for both batch and streaming processing. As a cloud provider, it is important to offer flexible options for creating data pipelines easily. One of the most popular frameworks for defining pipelines is Apache Beam, which is natively supported in GCP using Dataflow.

Apache Beam is a powerful tool that can be used to build complex data pipelines. It provides SDKs for Java, Python, and Golang, making it easy to get started.

The reason GCP is so compatible with Beam is because of ease of connection. Beam connects seamlessly with Pub/Sub, BigQuery, BigTable, and Dataflow which helps to link these resources using a few lines of code. In this article, we will explore how to build a pipeline to connect Pub/Sub and BigQuery where data needs enrichment/correction using Beam Golang SDK.

Contents of this article are listed below :-

  1. Basics of Apache Beam and Golang SDK
  2. Understand the Use-Cases for Apache Beam and Dataflow
  3. Use the Beam Golang SDK to build an IoT Pipeline
  4. Analyze the Streaming Pipeline
  5. Next Steps

Basics of Apache Beam

Apache Beam is an open-source unified programming model for both batch and streaming data processing. It supports a wide variety of sources and sinks, multiple runner options, and options to debug and run locally. However, what sets Beam apart from other programming models is its support for mission-critical production workloads.

Beam pipelines are portable and can run on multiple environments. This means that you are not dependent on a specific environment, and you can deploy your pipelines to the environment that best suits your needs. Additionally, Beam code is extensible, so you can add your code to the pipelines as needed.

There are a few differences between the Spark and Beam Models but some concepts are comparable. Some of the main concepts in the Beam model include PCollection(data element), PTransform (modification performed on PCollection), Pipeline(DAG) and Runner(where the pipeline runs).

Understand the Use-Cases for Apache Beam and Dataflow

As mentioned earlier, Beam has enormous use cases in the real world. This involves Machine Learning pipelines (including MLOps), Data analytics, Data filtering/enrichment and stream data processing. The dataflow runner for apache beam helps to further enhance the advantages by providing automatic resource management, fault tolerance and flexible deployments.

To understand how to code a real-world pipeline, let’s build an example pipeline. Suppose you want to analyze sensor data coming from IoT devices in the form {device_num}:{cluster_num}-{value}. The data from these devices can be huge and should be stored ideally in BigTable. However, you want to analyze the data for only 2 clusters ie. cluster1 and cluster2. For cluster1, the values are in per minute and these need to be converted to per second before analysis. Finally, to analyze the sensor data, the analytics team needs comma separated value in batches of 10 seconds and timestamps.

Lets understand how to build this pipeline using Beam Golang SDK. As here Data Correction (convert to per second) and Data Enrichment (timestamp addition) are needed for analysis, Dataflow will be the ideal choice. The data coming from sensors can be ingested into Pub/Sub and Dataflow can be used to send data to BigQuery.

Architecture Diagram for IoT Data Pipeline

Use the Beam Golang SDK to build an IoT Pipeline

Apache Beam’s Golang SDK has connectors for both Bigquery and Pub/Sub which you can use with dataflow runner. The first step of getting started is enabling the required APIs, Pub/Sub topic and subscription, BigQuery Dataset and Table and Service Account to be used by Dataflow.

Start by enabling the Dataflow, Pub/Sub and BigQuery APIs. Next, create the Pub/Sub Topic and Subscription and create a service account with Dataflow Admin, Dataflow Worker, Pub/Sub Admin and BigQuery Admin roles.

$ gcloud pubsub topics create pubsub-test
$ gcloud pubsub subscriptions create SUBSCRIPTION pubsub-test-sub --topic=pubsub-test --topic-project=$PROJECT_ID)
$ gcloud iam service-accounts create $SA_NAME \
--display-name "Service Account Name" \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--roles roles/dataflow.admin,roles/dataflow.worker,roles/pubsub.admin,roles/bigquery.admin

Finally, create the BigQuery Table test_table in the dataset test_dataset with the following schema :-

Schema for the BigQuery Table

Lets start coding. Create a new directory and initialize a Golang module.

$ mkdir iot-dataflow-pipeline && cd iot-dataflow-pipeline
$ go mod init
$ touch main.go

Lets setup the beam pipeline’s code context in our local. First initialize the beam SDK and then declare a new pipeline. Beam has the concept of scope which is used to keep track of the DAG and is used by ParDo to link the steps. Finally, beamx pipeline is run by providing the pipeline. beamx provides the flexibility to run on different platforms ie. local and dataflow.

func PubsubToBigQuery(projectId, pubsub_topic, pubsub_subscription, bq_table_string string) {
ctx := context.Background()
p := beam.NewPipeline()
s := p.Root()

// Run the beam pipeline
if err := beamx.Run(ctx, p); err != nil {
log.Exitf(ctx, "Failed to execute job: %v", err)

Beam provides a module called pubsubio which can read and write messages to Pub/Sub. For reading from Pub/Sub, a subscription is needed. The result returned by pubsubio is PCollection which can modified further.

// Pub/Sub messages read by Beam.
pubsub_messages := pubsubio.Read(s, projectId, pubsub_topic, &pubsubio.ReadOptions{
Subscription: pubsub_subscription,

The first requirement is to analyze the results from cluster1 and cluster2. For this data filtering is needed and hence you need to divide the data into 2 different PCollections. This can be done using ParDo2 which returns 2 PCollection and data can be selectively appended. ParDo takes the pipeline scope, a DoFn (which are the modification you want) and PCollection. Additionally, you can provide data from an alternate source using SideInput.

// Data Filtering by sending data to different pardo based on data values.
messages_cluster1, messages_cluster2 := beam.ParDo2(s, func(b []byte, pCollection1, pCollection2 func(string)) {
msg := string(b)
if strings.Contains(msg, "cluster1") {
} else if strings.Contains(msg, "cluster2") {
}, pubsub_messages)

Now, the data for cluster1 and cluster2 are separated. Data correction is needed for cluster1 by multiplying all the values by 60 so that results are per second. After correcting this, we need to group the incoming records using the device number. For this, beam provides a transform called CoGroupByKey which needs the PCollection of the type Key Value pair. In Golang, this can be done by returning 2 values from the DoFn like (string, string) as done below. This will be used below.

// Data Correction
cluster1_kv_pair := beam.ParDo(s, func(corrected_string string) (string, string) {
z := strings.Split(corrected_string, ":")
// edge case
if len(z) == 1 {
return "device1", z[0]
zz := strings.Split(corrected_string, "-")[1]

value, err := strconv.Atoi(zz)
if err != nil {

value = value * 60
return z[0], strings.Split(corrected_string, "-")[1] + "-" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)
}, messages_cluster1)
// we need another transfer for cluster2 to process using coGroupByKey
cluster2_kv_pair := beam.ParDo(s, func(corrected_string string) (string, string) {
z := strings.Split(corrected_string, ":")
// edge case
if len(z) == 1 {
return "device2", z[0]
return z[0], z[1]
}, messages_cluster2)

Now, to process all records in a 10 second window, WindowInto method of beam SDK can be used. Note that if you don’t use windowing here, the CoGroupByKey will keep on grouping and not give any output till you drain your pipeline.

// Windowing of 10 seconds added.
windowed_cluster1 := beam.WindowInto(s, window.NewFixedWindows(time.Second*10), cluster1_kv_pair)
windowed_cluster2 := beam.WindowInto(s, window.NewFixedWindows(time.Second*10), cluster2_kv_pair)

// Group by using keys and values
pCollection_GBK := beam.CoGroupByKey(s, windowed_cluster1, windowed_cluster2)

After Grouping multiple PCollection into one, you need to aggregate the data. When passing the CoGroupByKey PCollection, it can be processed using function by passing pointers.

// Run the aggregation based on keys for the windowed input
key_aggregation := beam.ParDo(s, func(key string, value1, value2 func(*string) bool) string {
var s_z string
var v1_list, v2_list string
for value1(&s_z) {
v1_list = v1_list + " , " + strings.Split(s_z, "-")[1]
for value2(&s_z) {
v2_list = v2_list + " , " + strings.Split(s_z, "-")[1]
return key + " :::: " + v1_list + v2_list

}, pCollection_GBK)

Here, two lists are being appended ie. the corrected PCollection and the PCollection for cluster2. Finally, the result is written to BigQuery table. We will need to define the BigQuery table schema in form of a struct before the main function.

type (
BQRow struct {
Device string
Values string
Time string

This is used when appending to BigQuery. The data is being enriched by adding time in form of a string.

// Create the BQ Row PCollection by processing the output
create_BQRow := beam.ParDo(s, func(ss string) BQRow {
z := strings.Split(ss, "::::")
return BQRow{
Device: z[0],
Values: z[1],
Time: time.Now().String(),
}, key_aggregation)

// print the output
debug.Print(s, key_aggregation)

// write to bigquery
bigqueryio.Write(s, projectId, bq_table_string, create_BQRow)

This concludes the pipeline development.

Analyze the Streaming Pipeline

As pubsubio is used, the dataflow runner has to be used. Run the following command to start the pipeline.

$ go run main.go --project=$PROJECT_ID \
--runner=dataflow --region=$REGION \
--staging_location=$BUCKET_AND_FOLDER \

This command calls the Dataflow API and sends the required build information to run the Golang Job using service account. The Beam state is stored in the staging location. Go to the Dataflow jobs page. You should see the pipeline of type streaming.

Dataflow Job page

On your console you should see the following.

Screenshot from the console

The dataflow pipeline should look something like this :-

Dataflow DAG

Along with this, you should be able to see the logs link on the shell. Open the link to see the dataflow job logs. The debug.Print step above also logs here. Go to your Pub/Sub topic and click on Messages. Lets publish 2 messages like device1:cluster1–3 and 3 messages for device2:cluster2–40 .

Publish messages to PubSub topic

Wait for a few minutes and analyze the pipeline logs. Once you see the debug output, go to your BigQuery table and run the query.


You should see the output with values and timestamp in BigQuery.

BigQuery Table records for 10 second interval

Congratulations! Your Dataflow pipeline is working. You need to be cautious about the costs incurred in this guide. Make sure that you cancel(immediate stop)/drain(process the messages in the queue and then stop) the dataflow pipeline and delete the Pub/Sub topic and subscription as well as the dataflow table after you are done playing around.

Next Steps

Now that data is coming in BigQuery, this can be utilized easily for ML purposes, analysis or visualization. In this article, you saw how to use Apache Beam Golang SDK to create a streaming pipeline for IoT data by connecting Pub/Sub and BigQuery. I hope you got some valuable insights from this guide.

As an extension to this article, you can experiment with Dataflow ML and Dataflow SQL Workspace or do advanced analytics using Looker and BigQuery ML. The dataflow pipelines can also be used in CI/CD pipelines to enrich the data either for load testing or for MLOps using Flex Templates.

All the code for this article can be found in this GitHub Repository

