How to replay time series data from Google BigQuery to Pub/Sub

Evgeny Medvedev
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readJan 20, 2020

This is a tutorial article explaining how to replay time series data from a BigQuery table into a Pub/Sub topic. There are several use cases when you might need it:

  • Backtesting.
  • Demos / Visualizations.
  • Integration testing.

The go-to GCP service for moving data between different services is Dataflow. While there are many Google-provided Dataflow templates, there are none for moving data from BigQuery to Pub/Sub.

That’s why we developed our own tool to solve this task: It can be used to replay any BigQuery table with a TIMESTAMP field. It’s a Python program that sequentially pulls chunks of data from a partitioned BigQuery table, and publishes the rows as JSON messages to a Pub/Sub topic in a timely manner. Here is an example that highlights the basic options:

> python \
--bigquery-table bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.transactions \
--timestamp-field block_timestamp \
--start-timestamp 2019-10-23T00:00:00 \
--end-timestamp 2019-10-23T01:00:00 \
--batch-size-in-seconds 1800 \
--replay-rate 0.1 \
--pubsub-topic projects/${project}/topics/bigquery-to-pubsub-test0 \

Below you’ll find detailed instructions for replaying Ethereum transactions from the Ethereum dataset in BigQuery.

  1. Create a Service Account with the following roles:
  • BigQuery Admin
  • Storage Admin
  • Pub/Sub Publisher

2. Create a key file for the Service Account and download it as credentials_file.json.

3. Create a Pub/Sub topic called bigquery-to-pubsub-test0:

> gcloud pubsub topics create bigquery-to-pubsub-test0

4. Create a temporary GCS bucket and a temporary BigQuery dataset:

> git clone
> cd bigquery-to-pubsub
> bash

5. Run replay for Ethereum transactions:

> docker build -t bigquery-to-pubsub:latest -f Dockerfile .
> project=$(gcloud config get-value project 2> /dev/null)
> temp_resource_name=$(./
> echo "Replaying Ethereum transactions"
> docker run \
-v /path_to_credentials_file/:/bigquery-to-pubsub/ --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/bigquery-to-pubsub/credentials_file.json \
bigquery-to-pubsub:latest \
--bigquery-table bigquery-public-data.crypto_ethereum.transactions \
--timestamp-field block_timestamp \
--start-timestamp 2019-10-23T00:00:00 \
--end-timestamp 2019-10-23T01:00:00 \
--batch-size-in-seconds 1800 \
--replay-rate 0.1 \
--pubsub-topic projects/${project}/topics/bigquery-to-pubsub-test0 \
--temp-bigquery-dataset ${temp_resource_name} \
--temp-bucket ${temp_resource_name}

Running in Google Kubernetes Engine

For long-running replays it’s convenient to start the process in the cloud. Google Kubernetes Engine is a good choice as it provides Stackdriver logging and health monitoring our of the box.

Below are the instructions for spawning a replay job in GKE using Helm:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository:
> git clone
> cd bigquery-to-pubsub/helm

2. Create and initialize GKE cluster, Pub/Sub topic and temp bucket and BigQuery dataset:

> bash scripts/

3. Copy and edit example values:

> cp values-sample.yaml values-dev.yaml
> vim values-dev.yaml

4. For tempBigqueryDataset and tempBucket use value printed by bash scripts/

5. Install the chart:

> helm install bigquery-to-pubsub/ -name bigquery-to-pubsub-0 -values values-dev.yaml

6. Inspect the output of kubectl get pods. The job is done when the status is "Completed". Use kubectl logs <POD> -f to see the progress.

7. Cleanup the resources:

> bash scripts/

Next up is an article showing how to do backtesting using Dataflow and this tool.

