Integrating DockerSlim container minify step on Cloud Build

Márton Kodok
Google Cloud - Community
7 min readMar 3, 2022


Whenever we are dealing with containers, the general recommendation is to make them leaner, smaller, faster, and secure. The smaller the container image is, the faster your application will spin up for the first time, and the faster it will scale.

But more on this topic, the industry weighs the benefits of having a smaller container, to be more secure as reduces the available attack surface.

On serverless container environments like Cloud Run, having a leaner container image helps to reduce cold starts.

Integrating DockerSlim container minify step on Cloud Build

As more users run their application on Cloud Run, we at were interested to explore getting DockerSlim into our build pipeline to create smaller and secure containers.

I have provided valuable feedback to the docker-slim team to make sure the tool can be used as part of a Cloud Build job. Starting with the 1.34.4 release Cloud Build integration is supported as they enhanced the IPC communications.

What is DockerSlim?

docker-slim is a tool that provides a set of commands (build, xray, lint and others) to reduce the size and optimize your containers. It makes your containers better, smaller, and more secure by using various techniques.

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Márton Kodok
Google Cloud - Community

Speaker at conferences, a Google Developer Expert top user on Stackoverflow, software architect at, co-founder IT Mures, life-long learner, mentor