Knative 1/2

Adventures in Kubernetes

Daz Wilkin
Google Cloud - Community
7 min readJul 27, 2018


Personally, I think “Knative” should be pronounced with a silent “K” like “Knight” because, if you forever have to explain the K’s not silent…

I’ve been mired (yes, mired) in Helm of late and “I don’t love it”. So, reading the many articles describing this week’s announcement of pronounced kay-nay-tiv, I was intrigued to try it out during my Friday afternoon “Deep Work” time.

I had a sense for the ambition of this technology but, I will admit, reading the content that was written this week, didn’t leave me any clearer. I’ll use this story to try to articulate what I think’s going on here. To be clear: while I’m a Googler and quite a passionate advocate of Kubernetes and Istio, I’m not involved in the engineering of any of these solutions.


This story is my walk-through of Google’s documentation. I’m not doing anything novel. If you’d prefer to stay definitive, I refer you to the Google documentation:


I’m going to use Kubernetes Engine and a self-installed Knative because Google’s serverless addon for Kubernetes Engine is not yet available. I’m a proponent of Regional Clusters too so, using the commands below will get you a shiny regional cluster too:

I had problems with the Istio install first-time round. If you have problems, whacking and reinstalling Istio seems (!) to fix issues:

You’re looking to stabilize with a list of pods similar to the following:

In Kubernetes Engine Console (filtered by Namespace:istio-system):

Kubernetes Engine Console `Namespace:istio-system`

NB Istio creates a Network (TCP) Load-Balancer somewhat confusingly called istio-ingressgateway but it is not a Kubernetes Ingress resource:

Kubernetes Engine Console — Istio’s Network Load-Balancer

And, the same Network Load-Balancer shown with the Cloud Console:

Cloud Console: Network Services — Istio’s Network Load-Balancer

The Knative installation was trouble-free:




You can filter Kubernetes Engine Console by wildcard namespaces (Namespace:knative-*):

Kubernetes Engine Console `Namespace:knative-*`

The Knative Deployment results in the creation of another Network Load-Balancer by Istio:

Kubernetes Engine Console: `knative-ingressgateway`

NB The Knative “Ingress” (not a Kubernetes Ingress but a Network LB) in my case is at Both LBs were created by Istio and are in the istio-system namespace.

It’s useful to prove to yourself which Network LB is being used subsequently. You can determine this with the following command:

And, using Cloud Console:

Network Services: 2 Network Load-Balancers

Removing the Namespace filter, should resemble:

Kubernetes Engine Console

NB I have a couple of unresolved issues: The grafana and kube-state-metrics deployments are balking on an init container (istio-init) problem: iptables v1.6.0: can’t initialize iptables table `nat’: Permission denied (you must be root). Not good but not causing me obvious problems.

Knative Deployment

I recommend you start with the straightforwardhelloworld sample. If you want the opportunity to tweak and test what’s going on, clone the sample and try stuff out.

You may want to economize on the Docker image size and, if you’re interested in exploring Google’s distroless project, I recommend the following Dockerfile:

Since you’re using Kubernetes Engine and we have Google Container Registry (GCR) on hand, I recommend you build and push this to rather than DockerHub; it’s closer, faster, cheaper:

And then ensure your deployment reflects GCR and your ${PROJECT} perhaps:

And you should see:

Deploying a Service against this Knative API yields 2 Kubernetes Deployments: one named after our deployed service and affixed with -deployment, and another affixed with -autoscaler (and in the knative-service Namespace:

Kubernetes Engine Console: Workloads named “helloworld-*”



NB A small trick to filter the Deployments in knative-serving Namespace by the one labeled with a value of helloworld.

There’s also a regular Kubernetes Service:

Kubernetes Engine Console: “helloworld” Service


Kubernetes Engine Console: “helloworld” Service details

Hold that thought!

Now, depending on which documentation you’re following, you’re told to run the following command:

NB That is correct

Wait, what? It turns out that, if you look to the top of the deployment, apiVersion: and Kind: Service helps explains this, along with a quick check kubectl get --help which suggests:

So TYPE is Service, GROUP is and VERSION is v1alpha1. So we can:

And we can also:

This doesn’t tell us much beyond we did create a Knative Service thing called helloworld. We’ll tweak the get command to pull specific values from the result:

NB our Knative service has a fully-qualified (domain) name of The helloworld is the name we provided. default corresponds to the Namespace which you may have missed and is there too; try creating a new Namespace and deploying helloworld to it.

To call the service, we will reference this fully-qualified name as a header and pass this to the knative-ingressgateway. Remember the IP address that we noted previously?

And so we can:

Your value will be different but you should see Hello World and then whatever value you used for TARGET when you deployed the service.


Assuming the cluster, Istio and Knative were installed and ready for us to use, all we had to do was write some code and kubectl apply a spec file referencing our container in order to deploy our service. Knative took care of exposing the service through an Istio mesh and an Istio Ingress for us.

Istio played only a minor role in this scenario from our perspective but, it enables a wealth of functionality to the folks who are ostensibly managing the cluster on our behalf in terms of monitoring (w/ Prometheus and the ill-fated Grafana pod), security and traffic routing.

Hopefully this story added a little color to Knative for you. It’s an interesting technology and I look forward to learning more about it.

Tidy up!

If you created a Google Cloud Platform project just for the purposes of this exercise and you’re ready to delete everything above, you may simple (irrevocably!) delete the project:

If you’d like to keep the project but (irrevocably) delete the Kubernetes cluster, Istio, Knative and the functions deployed, you may:

If you’d like to unwind everything above, use some subset of:

That’s all!

