Knative v0.12.0 update

Mete Atamel
Google Cloud - Community
2 min readJan 27, 2020

It’s hard to keep with Knative releases with a release every 6 weeks. I finally managed to update my Knative Tutorial for the latest Knative v0.12.0. In this blog post, I want to outline some of the differences I’ve observed.

Knative Serving

Knative Serving has been pretty stable in the recent releases and Knative Serving v0.12.0 is no exception. I didn’t need to update my tutorial specifically for this release.

Knative Eventing

Knative Eventing v0.12.0 changed the default yaml for Knative Eventing bundles. Now, they are under eventing.yaml (previously, it was release.yaml) and this is the yaml you need to point to install eventing. This makes sense as it’s more consistent with Knative Serving and its serving.yaml.

Knative for GCP

One major difference in v0.12.0 is how the Google Cloud Pub/Sub messages are pulled into Knative. As you might remember, there is Knative for GCP project specifically for Google Cloud events. This project also got a new release and in Knative for GCP v0.12.0 release, the way you install and setup Knative for GCP changed quite a bit. You need to:

I should mention that CloudPubSubSource is the new renamed PubSub from earlier releases. The CloudPubSubSource example routes Pub/Sub messages directly to services. I don’t like this approach. In my Knative Tutorial, I slightly change this to go through Broker (more on that below).

Knative Tutorial

In Knative Tutorial, I already made the updates for v0.12.0.

In the setup page, I provided useful instructions and scripts to setup Knative Serving, Eventing and Knative with GCP. Hopefully, you can just run them to install everything correctly.

In Pub/Sub triggered service sample, I show how to read Pub/Sub messages into a Broker in the default namespace and then route them to a service via a Trigger. Check it out.



Mete Atamel
Google Cloud - Community

I'm a Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, helping developers with serverless and orchestration technologies